!##@MDATA:MESSAGE_DISPLAY_NM=United Kingdom Auto Policy!end##
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The auto insurance contract between the named insured and the company shown on the Declarations page consists of this policy plus the
Declarations page and any applicable endorsements. The Quick Reference section outlines essential information contained on the
Declarations and the major parts of the policy.
The policy provides the coverages and amounts of insurance shown on the Declarations for which a premium is shown.
This auto policy is underwritten through USAA Limited, which is registered under the laws of the United Kingdom under Registered
Company Number: England 730577.
You may contact USAA Limited at:
Phone: 0800-289-192 (toll free in the United Kingdom from a Mobile or Landline)
Phone: 00-800-531-81110 (from Europe)
Fax: 00-800-858-58111
USAA Limited is authorized by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential
Regulation Authority:
The Prudential Regulation Authority
20 Moorgate
London, EC2R 6DA
+44 (0) 20 3461 7000
The Financial Conduct Authority
25 The North Colonnade
Canary Wharf
London, E14 5HS
+44 (0) 20 7066 1000
Named Insured and Address
Policy Period
Description of Vehicle(s)
Amounts of Insurance and Premiums
Agreement and Definitions Page 03
Part A – Liability Coverage Page 04
Insuring Agreement
Bodily Injury Liability Coverage and
Property Damage Liability Coverage
Limit of Liability
Supplementary Payments
Out of Country Coverage
Other Insurance
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Part B – Medical Coverage Page 06
Medical Payments Coverage
Insuring Agreement
Limit of Liability
Other Insurance
Special Provisions
Part C – Uninsured Motorists Coverage Page 09
This Part does not apply.
Part D – Physical Damage Coverage Page 09
Insuring Agreement
Comprehensive Coverage
Collision Coverage
Rental Reimbursement Coverage-Optional
USAA Roadside Assistance-Optional
Limit of Liability
Payment of Loss
Customs Duty
Loss Payable Clause
Waiver of Collision Deductible
No Benefit to Bailee
Other Sources of Recovery
Part E – General Provision Page 13
Compensation Scheme
Complaint Against Us
Conformity to Law
Details About Our Regulator
Dispute Resolution
Duties After an Accident or Loss
Guarantee Fund
Non-Duplication of Payment
Notice of Ride Sharing Activity
Our Right to Recover Payment
Policy Period and Territory
Reducing the Risk of Loss
Rights of Third Parties
Spouse/Registered Civil Partner Access
Transfer of Your Interest in this Policy
Two or More Motor Vehicle Policies
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In return for payment of the premium and subject to all the terms of this policy, we will provide the coverages and limits of liability for
which a premium is shown on the Declarations. The USAA Limited policy is written in English.
The words defined below are used throughout this policy. They are in boldface when used.
A. "You" and "your" refer to the "named insured" shown on the Declarations and spouse or registered civil partner if a resident of the
same household.
B. "We," "us" and "our" refer to the Company providing this insurance.
C. "Auto business" means the business of altering, customizing, leasing, parking, repairing, road testing, delivering, selling, servicing,
towing, repossessing or storing vehicles.
D. "Bodily injury" (referred to as BI).
1. "Bodily injury" means bodily harm, sickness, disease or death.
2. "Bodily injury" does not include mental injuries such as emotional distress, mental anguish, humiliation, mental distress or any
similar injury unless it arises out of physical injury to some person.
E. "Cohabitant" means one unmarried adult residing primarily in your household with whom you share a mutually committed personal
and financial relationship intended to last indefinitely for the purpose of a domestic life. Both persons must be 18 years of age or older
and may not be related to each other by blood. Neither may be married to another person or be a cohabitant or partner by civil union
or domestic partnership with any other person.
F. "Driving contest or challenge" includes but is not limited to:
1. A competition against other people, vehicles or time;
2. An activity that challenges the speed or handling characteristics of a vehicle or improves or demonstrates driving skills, provided
the activity occurs on a track or course that is closed from non-participants; or
3. Driving on the Nurburgring Nordschleife.
G. "Family member" means a person related to you by blood, marriage, registered civil partnership or adoption who resides primarily in
your household. This includes a ward or foster child. A family member includes the following when residing primarily in your
household: a ward, foster child, cohabitant and your cohabitant’s dependent children.
H. "Fungi" means any type or form of fungi, including mold or mildew, and includes any mycotoxins, spores, scents or byproducts
produced or released by fungi.
I. "Miscellaneous vehicle" means the following motorized vehicles: motor home, golf cart, snowmobile, all-terrain vehicle or dune buggy.
J. "Motorcycle" means a two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle that is subject to motor vehicle licensing in the location where the
motorcycle is principally garaged.
K. "Motor vehicle" means:
1. A private passenger auto, pickup or van; or
2. A motorcycle that is not used in any business or occupation but only if a motorcycle is shown on the current Declarations.
L. "Newly acquired vehicle."
1. "Newly acquired vehicle" means a motor vehicle or trailer, not insured under another policy, that is acquired by you or any family
member during the policy period.
2. We will automatically provide for the newly acquired vehicle the broadest coverages as are provided for any vehicle shown on the
Declarations. If your policy does not provide Comprehensive Coverage or Collision Coverage, we will automatically provide these
coverages for the newly acquired vehicle subject to a $500 deductible for each loss.
3. Any automatic provision of coverage under paragraph L.2 will apply for up to 30 days after the date you or any family member
becomes the owner of the newly acquired vehicle. If you wish to continue coverage for the newly acquired vehicle beyond this
30-day period, you must request it during this 30-day period, and we must agree to provide the coverage you request for this
vehicle. If you request coverage after this 30-day period, any coverage that we agree to provide will be effective at the date and
time of your request unless we agree to an earlier date.
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M. "Occupying" means in, on, getting into or out of.
N. "Property damage" (referred to as PD).
1. "Property damage" means physical injury to, destruction of or loss of use of tangible property.
2. For purposes of this policy, electronic data is not tangible property. Electronic data means information, facts or programs:
a. Stored as or on,
b. Created or used on, or
c. Transmitted to or from
computer software, including systems and applications software, hard or floppy disks, CD-ROMS, tapes, drives, cells, data
processing devices, or any other media that are used with electronically controlled equipment.
O. "Regular use" for purposes of this policy means having care, custody or control of a vehicle for more than 60 days, regardless of
whether the use is continuous during the 60 days.
P. "Ride sharing activity" means use of your covered auto to provide prearranged transportation of persons or property in conjunction
with a transportation network company.
Q. "Trailer" means a vehicle designed to be pulled by a motor vehicle. It also means a farm wagon or implement while towed by such
R. "Transportation network company" means a person or entity that provides prearranged transportation services for compensation
using an online-enabled application or platform to connect clients with drivers who use their personal vehicles to provide the requested
transportation. Examples of a transportation network company include but are not limited to Uber and Lyft.
S. "Van" means a four-wheeled land motor vehicle of the van type with a rated load capacity of not more than 2,000 pounds.
T. "Your covered auto" means:
1. Any vehicle shown on the Declarations.
2. Any newly acquired vehicle.
3. Any trailer you own.
"Covered person."
1. "Covered person" as used in this Part means:
a. You or any family member for the ownership, maintenance, or use of any motor vehicle or trailer.
b. Any person using your covered auto.
c. Any other person or organization but only with respect to legal liability imposed on them for the acts or omissions of a person
for whom coverage is afforded in paragraphs 1.a or 1.b above. With respect to a motor vehicle or trailer other than your covered
auto, this provision only applies if the other person or organization does not own or hire the motor vehicle or trailer.
2. The following are not covered persons under Part A:
a. The United States of America or any of its agencies.
b. Any person with respect to BI or PD resulting from the operation of a motor vehicle by that person as an employee of the
United States government. This applies only if the provisions of Section 2679 of Title 28, United States Code as amended, require
the Attorney General of the United States to defend that person in any civil action that may be brought for the BI or PD.
c. Any transportation network company.
We will pay compensatory damages for BI or PD for which any covered person becomes legally liable because of a motor vehicle
accident. We will settle or defend as we consider appropriate any claim or suit asking for these damages. Our duty to settle or defend ends
when our limit of liability for these coverages has been paid or tendered. We have no duty to defend any suit or settle any claim for BI or
PD not covered under this policy.
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The limit of liability shown on the Declarations for BI Liability is our maximum limit of liability for all damages for BI resulting from any one
motor vehicle accident—including, but not limited to, all direct, derivative or consequential damages recoverable by any persons. The limit
of liability shown on the Declarations for "each accident" for PD Liability is our maximum limit of liability for all damages to all property
resulting from any one motor vehicle accident.
These limits are the most we will pay regardless of the number of:
1. Covered persons,
2. Claims made,
3. Vehicles or premiums shown on the Declarations, or
4. Vehicles involved in the motor vehicle accident.
However, if a policy provision that would defeat coverage for a claim under this Part is declared to be unenforceable as a violation of any
financial responsibility law or similar law, our limit of liability will be the minimum required by that law.
In addition to our limit of liability, we will pay on behalf of a covered person:
1. Premiums on appeal bonds and bonds to release attachments in any suit we defend. But we will not pay the premium for bonds
with a face value over our limit of liability shown on the Declarations.
2. Prejudgment interest awarded against the covered person on that part of the judgment we pay. If we make an offer to pay the
applicable limit of liability, we will not pay any prejudgment interest based on that period of time after the offer.
3. Interest accruing in any suit we defend on that part of a judgment that does not exceed our limit of liability. Our duty to pay interest
ends when we offer to pay that part of the judgment that does not exceed our limit of liability.
4. Up to $250 a day for loss of wages because of attendance at hearings or trials at our request.
5. The amount a covered person must pay to the United States government because of damage to a government-owned private
passenger auto, pickup or van that occurs while the vehicle is in the care, custody or control of a covered person. The most we will
pay is an amount equal to one month of the basic salary of the covered person at the time of a loss.
6. Other reasonable expenses incurred at our request.
7. All defense costs we incur.
8. Emergency treatment fees as set out in any applicable road traffic act.
A. We do not provide Liability Coverage for any covered person:
1. For PD to property owned or being transported by a covered person.
2. For PD to property rented to, used by or in the care of any covered person. This exclusion (A.2) does not apply to damage to a
residence or garage.
3. While employed or otherwise engaged in the auto business. This exclusion (A.3) does not apply to the ownership, maintenance or
use of your covered auto by you, any family member, or any partner, agent or employee of you or any family member.
4. Maintaining or using any vehicle while that person is employed or otherwise engaged in any business or occupation other than the
auto business, farming or ranching. This exclusion (A.4) does not apply to the maintenance or use of:
a. A private passenger auto, a pickup or van owned by you or any family member, or a trailer used with these vehicles.
b. A pickup or van not owned by you or any family member if the vehicle's owner has valid and collectible primary liability
insurance or self-insurance in force at the time of the accident.
5. For BI or PD for which that person is an insured under any nuclear energy liability policy. This exclusion (A.5) applies even if that
policy is terminated due to exhaustion of its limit of liability.
6. For BI or PD occurring while your covered auto is rented or leased to others, or shared as part of a personal vehicle sharing
7. For punitive or exemplary damages.
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8. For BI sustained as a result of exposure to fungi, wet or dry rot, or bacteria.
9. For that person’s liability arising out of the ownership or operation of a vehicle while it is being used to carry persons or cargo for a
fee. This exclusion (A.9) does not apply to;
a. A share-the-expense car pool or
b. Your covered auto used for volunteer work when reimbursement is limited to mileage expenses.
10. For that person's liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of a vehicle while it is being used in ride sharing activity.
This exclusion (A.10) applies during the time the covered person is logged on to the transportation network company's
online-enabled application or platform and available to accept a passenger or delivery assignment, whether or not a passenger or
delivery assignment has been accepted. When a passenger or delivery assignment has been accepted, coverage is excluded while
the passenger or property to be delivered is occupying your covered auto. However, this exclusion (A.10) does not apply to a
share-the-expense car pool.
11. For BI or PD arising out of any terrorist act.
B. We do not provide Liability Coverage for the ownership, maintenance or use of:
1. Any vehicle that is not your covered auto unless that vehicle is:
a. A motor vehicle, or
b. A vehicle used in the business of farming or ranching.
2. Any vehicle, other than your covered auto, that is owned by you, or furnished or available for your regular use. This exclusion (B.2)
does not apply to a vehicle not owned by you if the vehicle's owner has valid and collectible primary liability insurance or
self-insurance in force at the time of the accident.
3. Any vehicle, other than your covered auto, that is owned by or furnished or available for the regular use of any family member.
This exclusion (B.3) does not apply:
a. To your maintenance or use of such vehicle, or
b. To a vehicle not owned by any family member if the vehicle's owner has valid and collectible primary liability insurance or
self-insurance in force at the time of the accident.
4. Any vehicle while being operated in or in practice for any driving contest or challenge.
C. There is no coverage for liability assumed by any covered person under any contract or agreement.
A. If a motor vehicle accident to which this policy applies occurs in any country within the policy territory shown in Part E - General
Provisions other than the United Kingdom, your policy will provide at least the minimum amounts and types of liability coverages
required by law but in no event less than:
1. The limits of liability shown on the Declarations or
2. If the accident occurs in the United States of America, its territories or possessions, Puerto Rico, or Canada, the applicable limits in
Part E – General Provisions, Policy Period and Territory.
B. No one will be entitled to duplicate payments for the same elements of loss.
If there is other applicable liability insurance, we will pay only our share of the loss. Our share is the proportion that our limit of liability
under this policy bears to the total of all applicable limits. However, any insurance we provide to a covered person for a vehicle you do not
own shall be excess over any other collectible insurance.
A. "Covered person" as used in Medical Payments Coverage means:
1. You or any family member while occupying any motor vehicle or trailer.
2. Any other person while occupying your covered auto.
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3. You or any family member while not occupying a motor vehicle or trailer if injured by:
a. A motorized vehicle designed for use mainly on public roads,
b. A miscellaneous vehicle or
c. A trailer.
B. "Medical payment fee" is an amount that we will pay for charges made by a licensed hospital, licensed physician or other licensed
medical provider for medically necessary and appropriate medical services. The amount that we will pay will be one of the following:
1. The amount provided by an applicable agreement with a Preferred Provider Organization, Preferred Provider Network or other
similar agreement; or
2. The amount required, approved or allowed by a fee schedule established by a state, federal or other governmental entity in the
relevant geographic area; or
3. The amount negotiated with the provider; or
4. The lesser of the following:
a. The actual amount billed; or
b. A reasonable fee for the service provided.
C. "Medically necessary and appropriate medical services."
1. "Medically necessary and appropriate medical services" are those services or supplies provided or prescribed by a licensed
hospital, licensed physician or other licensed medical provider that are required to identify or treat BI caused by a motor vehicle
accident and sustained by a covered person and that are:
a. Consistent with the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the covered person's injury and appropriately documented in the
covered person's medical records;
b. Provided in accordance with recognized standards of care for the covered person's injury at the time the charge is incurred;
c. Consistent with published practice guidelines and technology, and assessment standards of national organizations or
multidisciplinary medical groups;
d. Not primarily for the convenience of the covered person, his or her physician, hospital, or other health care provider;
e. The most appropriate supply or level of service that can be safely provided to the covered person; and
f. Not excessive in terms of scope, duration or intensity of care needed to provide safe, adequate and appropriate diagnosis and
2. However, "medically necessary and appropriate medical services" do not include the following:
a. Nutritional supplements or over-the-counter drugs;
b. Experimental services or supplies, which means services or supplies that we determine have not been accepted by the majority
of the relevant medical specialty as safe and effective for treatment of the condition for which its use is proposed; or
c. Inpatient services or supplies provided to the covered person when these could safely have been provided to the covered
person as an outpatient.
A. We will pay only the medical payment fee for medically necessary and appropriate medical services and the reasonable expense for
funeral services. These fees and expenses must:
1. Result from BI sustained by a covered person in a motor vehicle accident and
2. Be incurred for services rendered within one year from the date of the motor vehicle accident.
B. We or someone on our behalf will review, by audit or otherwise, claims for benefits under this coverage to determine if the charges are
medical payment fees for medically necessary and appropriate medical services or reasonable expenses for funeral services. A
provider of medical or funeral services may charge more than the amount we determine to be medical payment fees and reasonable
expenses, but such additional charges are not covered.
C. We will not be liable for pending or subsequent benefits if a covered person or assignee of benefits under Medical Payments Coverage
unreasonably refuses to submit to an examination as required in Part E - General Provisions, Duties After An Accident Or Loss.
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A. The limit of liability shown on the Declarations for Medical Payments Coverage is the maximum limit of liability for each covered person
injured in any one accident. This is the most we will pay regardless of the number of:
1. Covered persons,
2. Claims made,
3. Vehicles or premiums shown on the Declarations, or
4. Vehicles involved in a motor vehicle accident.
B. No one will be entitled to receive duplicate payments for the same elements of loss under this coverage and Part A of this policy.
We do not provide benefits under Medical Payments Coverage for any covered person for BI:
1. Sustained while occupying any vehicle that is not your covered auto unless that vehicle is:
a. A motor vehicle, or
b. A vehicle used in the business of farming or ranching.
2. Sustained while occupying your covered auto when it is being used to carry persons or cargo for a fee. This exclusion (2) does not
apply to:
a. A share-the-expense car pool or
b. Your covered auto used for volunteer work when reimbursement is limited to mileage expenses.
3. Sustained while occupying any vehicle located for use as a residence.
4. Occurring during the course of employment if workers' compensation benefits are required or available.
5. Sustained while occupying or when struck by any vehicle, other than your covered auto, that is owned by you.
6. Sustained while occupying or when struck by any vehicle, other than your covered auto, that is owned by any family member. This
exclusion (6) does not apply to you.
7. Sustained while occupying a vehicle without expressed or implied permission.
8. Sustained while occupying a vehicle when it is being used in the business or occupation of a covered person. This exclusion (8)
does not apply to BI sustained while occupying a private passenger auto, pickup or van, or a trailer used with that vehicle.
9. Caused by or as a consequence of war, insurrection, revolution, nuclear reaction or radioactive contamination.
10. Sustained while occupying your covered auto while it is rented or leased to others, or shared as part of a personal vehicle sharing
11. Sustained while a participant in or in practice for any driving contest or challenge.
12. Sustained as a result of a covered person's exposure to fungi, wet or dry rot, or bacteria.
13. Sustained while occupying your covered auto when it is being used in ride sharing activity. This exclusion (13) applies during the
time the covered person is logged on to the transportation network company's online-enabled application or platform and
available to accept a passenger or delivery assignment, whether or not a passenger or delivery assignment has been accepted.
When a passenger or delivery assignment has been accepted, coverage is excluded while the passenger or property to be delivered
is occupying your covered auto. However, this exclusion (13) does not apply to a share-the-expense car pool.
If there is other applicable motor vehicle medical payments insurance, we will pay only our share of the loss. Our share is the proportion
that our limit of liability under this policy bears to the total of all applicable limits. However, any insurance we provide with respect to a
vehicle you do not own shall be excess over any other collectible motor vehicle insurance providing payments for medical or funeral
If your covered auto and every other motor vehicle you own are within the policy territory referred to in Part E - General Provisions, then
coverage under Medical Payments Coverage will apply to you and any family member anywhere in the world.
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This Part does not apply.
A. "Actual cash value" means the amount that it would cost at the time of loss to buy a comparable vehicle. As applied to your covered
auto, a comparable vehicle is one of the same make, model, model year, body type and options with substantially similar mileage and
physical condition.
B. "Collision" means the impact with an object and includes upset of a vehicle. Loss caused by the following is covered under
Comprehensive Coverage and is not considered collision: fire; missiles or falling objects; hail, water or flood; malicious mischief or
vandalism; theft or larceny; riot or civil commotion; explosion or earthquake; contact with bird or animal; windstorm; or breakage of
window glass. If breakage of window glass is caused by a collision, you may elect to have it considered a loss caused by collision.
C. "Custom equipment" means paint or murals, equipment, furnishings, and parts permanently installed on your covered auto other than:
1. Original manufacturer paint, equipment, furnishings or parts;
2. Any replacement of original manufacturer paint, equipment, furnishings or parts with other paint, equipment, furnishings or parts of
like kind and quality;
3. Equipment, furnishings or parts designed to assist persons with disabilities;
4. Anti-theft devices and devices intended to monitor or record driving activity; and
5. Tires of a substantially similar size as those installed by the manufacturer.
D. "Loss" means direct and accidental damage to the operational safety, function or appearance of, or theft of your covered auto or
personal property contained in your covered auto. Loss includes a total loss but does not include any damage other than the cost to
repair or replace. Loss does not include any loss of use or diminution in value that would remain after repair or replacement of the
damaged or stolen property.
E. "Nonowned vehicle."
1. "Nonowned vehicle" means any motor vehicle or trailer not owned by or furnished or available for the regular use of you or any
family member. This applies only when the vehicle is in the custody of or being operated by you or any family member.
2. A nonowned vehicle does not include any of the following vehicles used in any business or occupation other than farming or
a. A pickup,
b. A van,
c. A motorcycle or
d. Any vehicle shown on the Declarations.
F. "Repair."
1. "Repair" means restoring the damaged property to its pre-loss operational safety, function and appearance. This may include the
replacement of component parts.
2. Repair does not require:
a. A return to the pre-loss market value of the property;
b. Restoration, alteration or replacement of undamaged property, unless such is needed for the operational safety of the vehicle; or
c. Rekeying of locks following theft or misplacement of keys.
G. "Your covered auto" as used in this Part includes:
1. Custom equipment up to a maximum of $5,000 in or on your covered auto.
2. A nonowned vehicle. If there is a loss to a nonowned vehicle, we will provide the broadest coverage shown on the Declarations.
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A. Comprehensive Coverage (excluding collision).
1. Physical damage. We will pay for loss caused by other than collision to your covered auto, including its equipment, and personal
property contained in your covered auto, minus any applicable deductible shown on the Declarations. The deductible will be waived
for loss to window glass that can be repaired rather than replaced. In cases where the repair proves unsuccessful and the window
glass must be replaced, the full amount of the deductible, if any, must be paid.
2. Transportation expenses. We will also pay:
a. The reasonable amount for transportation expenses incurred by you or any family member but no more than the cost of renting
an Economy Class vehicle as defined under Rental Reimbursement Coverage. This applies only in the event of a total theft of
your covered auto. We will pay only transportation expenses incurred during the period beginning 48 hours after the theft and
ending when your covered auto is returned to use or, if not recovered or not repairable, up to seven days after we have made a
settlement offer.
b. If Rental Reimbursement Coverage is afforded, the vehicle class for transportation expenses is the vehicle class shown on the
Declarations for Rental Reimbursement Coverage for that vehicle.
B. Collision Coverage. We will pay for loss caused by collision to your covered auto, including its equipment, and personal property
contained in your covered auto, minus any applicable deductible shown on the Declarations.
C. Rental Reimbursement Coverage (for loss other than total theft).This is an optional coverage for a fee.
1. We will reimburse you for expenses you or any family member incurs to rent a substitute for your covered auto. This coverage
applies only if:
a. Your covered auto is withdrawn from use due to a loss other than a total theft to that vehicle; and
b. The loss is covered under Comprehensive Coverage or caused by collision, and the cause of loss is not otherwise excluded
under Part D - Physical Damage of this policy.
2. We will reimburse you only for that period of time reasonably required to repair or replace your covered auto. If we determine your
covered auto is a total loss, the rental period will end no later than seven days after we have made a settlement offer.
D. USAA Roadside Assistance. This is an optional coverage for a fee. We will pay the reasonable costs you or any family member incurs
for the following services each time your covered auto is disabled:
1. Jumpstarting.
2. Locksmith services to gain entry to your covered auto. This does not include the rekeying of locks following theft or misplacement
of keys.
3. Towing or transporting to the nearest place where necessary repairs can be made during regular business hours if the vehicle will
not run or is stranded on or immediately next to a public road.
4. Winching.
5. Delivery of gas or oil to, or a change of tire on a disabled vehicle. However, we do not pay for the cost of these items.
A. Total loss to your covered auto. Our limit of liability under Comprehensive Coverage and Collision Coverage is the actual cash value of
the vehicle, inclusive of any custom equipment, and the cost to transfer or replace any equipment, furnishings or parts designed to
assist persons with disabilities.
1. The maximum amount we will include for loss to custom equipment in or on your covered auto is $5,000.
2. We will declare your covered auto to be a total loss if in our judgment the cost to repair it would be greater than its actual cash
value minus its salvage value after the loss.
B. Other than a total loss to your covered auto:
1. Our limit of liability under Comprehensive Coverage and Collision Coverage is the amount necessary to repair the loss based on our
estimate or an estimate that we approve if submitted by you or a third party. Upon request, we will identify at least one facility that
is willing and able to complete the repair for the amount of the estimate.
2. Our estimate may specify used, rebuilt, remanufactured or non-Original Equipment Manufacturer (non-OEM) parts.
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3. You may request that damaged parts be replaced with new Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts. However, you will be
responsible for any cost difference between the parts included in our estimate and the new OEM parts used in the repair.
4. We will not take a deduction for depreciation. We will take a deduction if prior damage has not been repaired. Prior damage does
not include wear and tear.
C. Personal property in your covered auto. The limits of liability described below are separate from the limits available for a loss to your
covered auto.
1. Our limit of liability under Comprehensive Coverage and Collision Coverage is the lesser of:
a. The amount necessary to replace the damaged or stolen property, or
b. $250.
2. We will not take a deduction for depreciation.
D. Under Rental Reimbursement Coverage, our maximum limit of liability is the reasonable amount necessary to reimburse you for
expenses incurred to rent a vehicle in the applicable class shown on the Declarations. For purposes of this coverage:
1. Economy Class means "mini," small or compact 2- and 4-door cars that are not considered sports or luxury vehicles and are not the
estate/station wagon type.
2. Standard Class means standard and full size 2- and 4-door cars that are not considered sports or luxury vehicles and are not the
estate/station wagon type.
3. Multipassenger/Truck Class means:
a. Sports, convertible and luxury cars with an engine size of no more than 2.5 liters;
b. Estate/station wagons;
c. Minivans;
d. Mid-size cargo and passenger vans;
e. Pickup trucks;
f. "Mini," small and midsize sport utility vehicles (SUVs) that are not considered luxury SUVs, and
g. Any private passenger vehicle equipped to assist persons with disabilities (when available).
E. Under USAA Roadside Assistance, our limit of liability is the reasonable price for the covered service.
We may pay for loss in money, or we may repair or replace the damaged or stolen property. We may return any stolen property to you or
to the address shown on the Declarations at our expense. If we return stolen property, we will pay for any damage resulting from the theft.
We may keep all or part of the damaged or stolen property and pay you an agreed or appraised value for it. We cannot be required to
assume the ownership of damaged property. We may settle a claim either with you or with the owner of the property.
In addition to our limit of liability, we will pay any legally valid judgment for a customs duty charged against you by any governmental
authority because you were unable to export your covered auto, which was not available for export due to a loss. We will pay this customs
duty judgment only if we also provide Comprehensive Coverage or Collision Coverage, as applicable, for the loss.
You must give us immediate notice in writing with complete details about the customs charges. We may deal directly with the customs
authorities and in your name defend against such a levy.
Loss or damage under this policy will be paid, as interest may appear, to the named insured and the loss payee shown on the Declarations.
This insurance with respect to the interest of the loss payee will not become invalid because of your fraudulent acts or omissions unless the
loss results from your conversion, secretion or embezzlement of your covered auto. We may cancel the policy as permitted by policy
terms and the cancellation will terminate this agreement as to the loss payee's interest. We will give the same advance notice of
cancellation to the loss payee as we give to the named insured shown on the Declarations. We may send notices to the loss payee either
by mail or by electronic means. However, if the loss payee requests in writing that we not send notices, including a notice of cancellation,
we will abide by that request. When we pay the loss payee, we will be subrogated to the loss payee's rights of recovery to the extent of
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We will not apply the deductible to loss caused by collision with another vehicle if all these conditions are met:
1. The loss to your covered auto is greater than the deductible amount, and
2. The owner and driver of the other vehicle are identified, and
3. The owner or driver of the other vehicle has a liability policy covering the loss, and
4. The driver of your covered auto is not legally responsible in any way for causing or contributing to the loss.
We will not pay for:
1. Loss to your covered auto that occurs while it is being used to carry persons or cargo for a fee. This exclusion (1) does not apply to:
a. A share-the-expense car pool or
b. Your covered auto used for volunteer work when reimbursement is limited to mileage expenses.
2. Damage due and confined to:
a. Road damage to tires,
b. Wear and tear,
c. Freezing, or
d. Mechanical or electrical breakdown or failure, including such damage resulting from negligent servicing or repair of your
covered auto or its equipment. We will pay for ensuing damage only to the extent the damage occurs outside the major
component (such as transmission/transaxle, electrical system, engine including cooling and lubrication thereof, air conditioning,
computer, suspension, braking, drive assembly, and steering) in which the initial mechanical or electrical breakdown or failure
This exclusion (2) does not apply if the damage results from the total theft of your covered auto, and it does not apply to USAA
Roadside Assistance.
3. Loss or abandonment due to or as a consequence of war, insurrection, revolution, nuclear reaction, radioactive contamination or
discharge of a nuclear weapon (even if accidental). This exclusion (3) does not apply to loss to your covered auto that is insured for
Comprehensive Coverage or Collision Coverage under this policy if that your covered auto is:
a. Subject to United States of America Federal Act 31 USC 3721 as amended and supplemented (Military Personnel and Civilian
Employee Claims Act), and
b. Within the policy territory shown in Part E - General Provisions of this policy.
In lieu of the policy deductibles, a $2,000 deductible applies to loss to your covered auto once per period of sustained hostility,
unless the loss occurs during U.S. government authorized shipment, in which case a $20,000 deductible applies. However, no one
will be entitled to duplicate payments for the same elements of loss.
4. Loss to a camper body or trailer owned by you or any family member that is not shown on the Declarations. This exclusion (4)
does not apply to a camper body or trailer you or any family member acquires during the policy period and asks us to insure within
30 days after you or any family member becomes the owner.
5. Loss to any nonowned vehicle when used by you or any family member without a reasonable belief that you or that family
member is entitled to do so.
6. Loss to equipment designed or used to evade or avoid the enforcement of motor vehicle laws.
7. Loss to any nonowned vehicle arising out of its use by you or any family member while employed or otherwise engaged in auto
business operations.
8. Loss to your covered auto while it is rented or leased to others, or shared as part of a personal vehicle sharing program.
9. Loss to any vehicle while it is being operated in or in practice for any driving contest or challenge.
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10. Loss resulting from:
a. The acquisition of a stolen vehicle,
b. Any legal or governmental action to return a vehicle to its legal owner, or
c. Any confiscation or seizure of a vehicle by governmental authorities.
This exclusion (10) does not apply to innocent purchasers of stolen vehicles for value under circumstances that would not cause a
reasonable person to be suspicious of the sales transaction or the validity of the title.
11. Loss resulting from use in any illicit or prohibited trade or transportation.
12. Any loss arising out of any act committed:
a. By or at the direction of you or any family member, and
b. With the intent to cause a loss.
13. Loss caused by fungi, wet or dry rot, or bacteria. This means the presence, growth, proliferation, spread or any activity of fungi, wet
or dry rot, or bacteria. This exclusion (13) does not apply to damage directly resulting from a loss covered under Comprehensive
Coverage or Collision Coverage.
14. Loss to your covered auto that occurs while it is being used in ride sharing activity. This exclusion (14) applies during the time the
covered person is logged on to the transportation network company's online-enabled application or platform and available to
accept a passenger or delivery assignment, whether or not a passenger or delivery assignment has been accepted. When a
passenger or delivery assignment has been accepted, coverage is excluded while the passenger or property to be delivered is
occupying your covered auto. However, this exclusion (14) does not apply to a share-the-expense car pool.
This insurance shall not directly or indirectly benefit any carrier or other bailee for hire.
If other sources of recovery also cover the loss, we will pay only our share of the loss. Our share is the proportion that our limit of liability
under this policy bears to the total of all applicable limits. However, any insurance we provide with respect to a nonowned vehicle will be
excess over any other collectible source of recovery including, but not limited to:
1. Any coverage provided by the owner of the nonowned vehicle.
2. Any other applicable physical damage insurance.
3. Any other source of recovery applicable to the loss.
This provision does not apply to USAA Roadside Assistance.
If we and you do not agree on the amount of loss, either may demand an appraisal. In this event, each party will select a competent
appraiser. The two appraisers will select an umpire. The appraisers will state separately the actual cash value and the amount of loss. If
they fail to agree, they will submit their differences to the umpire. A decision agreed to by any two will be binding. Each party will pay its
chosen appraiser and share the expenses of the umpire equally. Neither we nor you waive any rights under this policy by agreeing to an
Bankruptcy or insolvency of the covered person as defined in this policy shall not relieve us of any obligations under this policy.
A. The premium is based on information we have received from you and other sources. You agree to cooperate with us in determining if
this information is correct and complete.
B. With your agreement, we will make changes to your policy effective the date of change in risk exposure.
1. Change in exposure means the occurrence of an event listed in paragraphs B.1.a through B.1.h or in paragraph E below, or a similar
event that may increase or decrease the policy premium. You agree to give us notice of any exposure change as soon as is
reasonably possible. Changes that may result in a premium adjustment include, but are not limited to, the following:
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a. Change in location where any vehicle is garaged.
b. Change in description, equipment, purchase date, registration, cost, usage, miles driven annually or operators of any vehicle.
c. Replacement or addition of any vehicle. A replacement or additional vehicle is a newly acquired vehicle.
d. Deletion of a vehicle. The named insured may request that a vehicle shown on the Declarations be deleted from this policy. The
effective date of this change cannot be earlier than the date of the named insured's request unless we agree to an earlier date.
e. Change in date of birth, marital status, driver's license information or driving record of any operator.
f. Addition or deletion of an operator.
g. Change, addition or deletion of any coverage or limits.
h. Change in ownership. If you sell your covered auto by normal sale or compulsory auction, you must notify us promptly of the
name and address of the purchaser. This paragraph (B.1.h) does not apply if you provide proof that the vehicle is no longer
registered to you or any family member.
2. If we are notified of any change in risk exposure, we will request your consent to the policy adjustment. Failure to consent within 30
days of our request may result in termination of your policy.
C. We will make any calculations or adjustments of your premium using the applicable rules, rates and forms as of the effective date of
the change.
D. If we make a change that broadens coverage under this edition of our policy without additional premium charge, that change will
automatically apply to your insurance as of the date we implement that change in your location. This paragraph (D) does not apply to
changes implemented with a revision that includes both broadenings and restrictions in coverage. Otherwise, this policy includes all the
agreements between you and us. Its terms may not be changed or waived except by endorsement issued by us.
E. Deployment.
1. If, because of your active-duty deployment in one of the military services of the United States, you have reduced the coverage on
your covered auto and placed the vehicle in storage, then, upon your return from the deployment, we will reinstate the coverage
that was on the vehicle prior to the deployment-caused reduction beginning on the date the vehicle is removed from storage.
2. Any reinstatement of coverage under paragraph E.1 will apply for up to 60 days after the date you returned from deployment. If
you wish to continue the reinstated coverage beyond the 60-day period, you must request it during the 60-day period. If you
request reinstated coverage after this 60-day period, any coverage we agree to provide will be effective at the date and time of
your request unless we agree to an earlier date.
3. You must pay an additional premium as set out in Part E - General Provisions, Changes, paragraph B.1.g for the reinstated coverage.
Coverage under this policy as a cohabitant does not grant membership or associate membership or imply eligibility for membership or
associate membership.
We are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). Depending on the type of business and circumstances of the
claim, you may be entitled to compensation from the FSCS if we cannot meet our obligations.
Insurance advising and arranging is covered for 100% of the first £2,000 and 90% of the remainder of the claim, without an upper limit.
For compulsory classes of insurance, advising and arranging is covered for 100% of the claim, without an upper limit.
Further information about compensation scheme arrangements is available from FSCS.
A. If you are not satisfied with our service or with our handling of a claim, you may contact us at:
USAA Limited
4th Floor, Fitzwilliam House
10 St Mary Axe
London, EC3A 8AE
0800 289 192 (toll free in the United Kingdom from a mobile or landline)
+44 (0) 20 7655 1800 or
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We will acknowledge your complaint and attempt to resolve the situation as quickly as possible. When warranted, we will provide you
with a final written response within eight weeks of receipt of your complaint.
B. If, after receiving our written response, you remain dissatisfied, you have the right to contact the Financial Ombudsman Service for
assistance at:
Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
London, E14 9SR
+44 (0) 20 7964 0500
The Financial Ombudsman Service is an impartial arbitration entity working free of charge for consumers. However, a prerequisite for
the arbitration proceeding is that you have first accorded us the opportunity to review our decision.
C. Further complaint information specific to services obtained online or via email is available on the Online Dispute Resolution platform at
If any of the terms of this policy conflict with English or local law, English or local law will apply.
You may contact the supervisory authorities responsible for us. USAA Limited is authorized by the Prudential Regulation Authority and
regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. USAA Limited's Register number is 202016. You can
check this on the Financial Services Register at www.fca.org.uk/register, or you may contact the regulators:
The Prudential Regulation Authority
20 Moorgate
London, EC2R 6DA
+44 (0) 20 3461 7000
The Financial Conduct Authority
25 The North Colonnade
Canary Wharf
London, E14 5HS
+44 (0) 20 7066 1000
It is hereby expressly agreed that the Courts competent for the settlement of disputes that may arise between us and you with regard to
this policy are the Courts of England and Wales, unless we agree otherwise.
We may not be required to provide coverage under this policy if there has not been full compliance with the following duties and our
ability to investigate or settle the claim has been prejudiced:
A. We must be notified promptly of how, when and where an accident or loss happened.
1. Notice should also include the names and addresses of any injured persons and any witnesses.
2. You may notify us:
a. By calling Claims at 0800 289 192,
b. Online via www.usaa.com or
c. Using the USAA mobile-phone app.
B. A person or entity seeking any coverage or payment of any benefit will be treated fairly and must:
1. Cooperate with us in the investigation, settlement or defense of any claim or suit.
2. Promptly send us copies of any notices or legal papers received in connection with a suit, accident or loss.
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3. Submit, as often as we reasonably require:
a. To physical exams by physicians we select. We will pay for these exams.
b. To examination under oath. The examination must be signed.
4. Authorize us to obtain medical reports and other pertinent records.
5. Submit a proof of loss when required by us.
6. Promptly notify the police if a hit-and-run driver is involved.
C. A person seeking coverage under Part D - Physical Damage Coverage must also:
1. Take reasonable steps after loss to protect your covered auto and its equipment from further loss. We will pay reasonable expenses
incurred to do this.
2. Promptly notify the police if your covered auto is stolen.
3. Permit us to inspect and appraise the damaged property before its repair or disposal.
We will send notice of premium payment required and the date on which the payment is due. If your payment is returned, we will charge a
fee of $15.
In the event of an accident with an uninsured vehicle or driver, you may need to make a claim against the National Guarantee Fund. In the
United Kingdom, this is:
Motor Insurers’ Bureau
Linford Wood House
6-12 Capital Drive
Linford Wood
Milton Keynes MK14 6XT
+44 (0) 1908 830 001
0800-023-4-567 (toll free in the United Kingdom from a mobile or landline)
We may void the entire policy or deny any claim if in response to information requested or questions asked by us, any covered person as
defined in this policy:
1. Intentionally conceals or misrepresents any material fact or circumstance, or
2. Makes false statements or engages in fraudulent conduct relating to this insurance.
When a claim or part of a claim is payable under more than one provision of this policy, we will pay the claim only once under this policy.
You have a duty to notify us if any covered person is participating in ride sharing activity.
A. If we make a payment under this policy and the person to or for whom payment was made has a right to recover damages from
another, we will be subrogated to that right. The person to or for whom payment was made shall do whatever is necessary to enable us
to exercise our rights and shall do nothing after loss to prejudice them. However, our rights in this paragraph (A) do not apply under
Part D - Physical Damage Coverage against any person using your covered auto with a reasonable belief that that person is entitled to
do so.
B. If we make a payment under this policy and the person to or for whom payment was made recovers damages from another, the person
to or for whom payment was made shall hold in trust for us the proceeds of the recovery and reimburse us to the extent of our
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C. If the covered person as defined in this policy recovers from the party at fault and we share in the recovery, we will pay our share of
the legal expenses. Our share is that percent of the legal expenses that the amount we recover bears to the total recovery. This
paragraph (C) does not apply to any amounts recovered or recoverable by us from any other insurer under any inter-insurer arbitration
D. We shall seek reimbursement from you to the extent of our payment and cost of defense if we make payment for a claim under
Part A - Liability Coverage and that payment was made on behalf of any covered person as defined in Part A:
1. Who knowingly concealed or misrepresented any material fact or circumstance relating to this insurance in response to information
requested or questions asked by us.
2. Who failed or refused to comply with the duties specified in this policy and prejudiced our defense of the liability claim by such
failure or refusal,
3. Who intentionally acts or directs to cause BI or PD, or who acts or directs to cause with reasonable expectation of causing BI or PD.
4. For BI to an employee of that person that occurs during the course of employment. This paragraph (D.4) does not apply to a
domestic employee unless workers’ compensation benefits are required or available for that domestic employee.
5. Using a vehicle without expressed or implied permission.
E. If we make payment for a claim under Part D - Physical Damage Coverage and you or any family member has knowingly concealed or
misrepresented any material fact or circumstance relating to this insurance in response to information requested or questions asked by
us, then you shall reimburse us to the extent of our payment.
For purposes of this policy, a vehicle is deemed to be owned by a person if leased under a written agreement to that person for a
continuous period of at least six months.
A. This policy applies only to accidents and losses that occur during the policy period as shown on the Declarations and within the policy
B. The policy territory is:
1. The United Kingdom, the British overseas territory of Gibraltar and the Crown Dependencies of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.
2. Countries that are member states of the European Union (EU) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).
3. Countries named on the International Motor Insurance Card (Green Card). However, this paragraph (B.3) does not apply to any
country crossed out on the Green Card under Section 8 Territory Validity.
4. The United States of America, its territories or possessions, Puerto Rico, and Canada, subject to the following conditions:
a. Coverage under this policy will extend for up to 30 days after the effective date of the policy while you are preparing to release
your covered auto for shipment to Europe.
b. Coverage will extend for up to 30 days from the date your covered auto is released from a port in the United States, its
territories or possessions, Puerto Rico, or Canada after its shipment from any location in paragraphs B.1, B.2 or B.3 above.
c. For any accident or loss that occurs in the United States of America, its territories or possessions, Puerto Rico, or Canada during
this extension of coverage:
(1) Our maximum limit of liability under Part A - Liability Coverage will be $300,000 for each person and $500,000 for each
accident for BI and $100,000 for PD.
(2) In addition, we will provide the minimum amounts and types of coverage required by law in the location where the accident
or loss occurs, subject to the terms and conditions of the USAA auto policy approved for use in that location.
This paragraph (B.4.c) applies only if there is no other insurance providing that coverage.
5. The policy territory includes transportation of your covered auto between any ports of these locations.
We may occasionally provide you with products or services that assist you in preventing or reducing the risk of loss, and we may provide
an incentive for your use of these items.
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As used in this Part, third party means anyone other than the named insured.
A. Subject to the exclusions, conditions and other provisions of this policy, third party intended and incidental beneficiaries have the rights
to coverage under the policy as set out in the Insuring Agreement of the applicable Part of this policy if:
1. The third party meets the definitions of a covered person under Part A – Liability Coverage or Part B – Medical Coverage, or
2. The third party is the owner of a nonowned vehicle that is covered under Part D - Physical Damage Coverage.
B. No third party liability claimants seeking damages under Part A - Liability Coverage of this policy may assert rights under this policy
against us, even if the third party liability claimant also meets the definition of covered person under Part A.
C. In defending a claim brought by any third party, we are entitled to rely on:
1. Defenses and rights of set-off that would be available had the claim been brought by the named insured;
2. Defenses and rights of set-off and any counterclaims that would be available if the third party were a party to the policy.
We may not set off premium owed by the named insured against a claim brought by a third party, other than the spouse, registered
civil partner or a family member of the named insured.
D. We reserve the power to rescind, cancel, nonrenew or vary the term, coverage and provisions of this policy without the consent of, or
notice to, any third party beneficiary of the policy, except as otherwise provided in the policy.
E. The named insured has the power to cancel the policy or vary the term or coverage of the policy without the consent of, or notice to,
any third party beneficiary of the policy, except as otherwise provided in the policy.
F. There are no third party rights under this policy that may be assigned to others.
A. The named insured and we agree that the resident spouse or registered civil partner will have access to the same information available
to the named insured, including all information regarding the named insured as a "data subject" under the privacy laws of the United
Kingdom, and may initiate the same transactions as the named insured.
B. The named insured may notify us that he/she no longer agrees that the resident spouse or registered civil partner may have access to
the named insured’s information, and we will not permit the resident spouse or registered civil partner to access that information.
A. Right to Cancel. This policy may be canceled during the policy period as follows:
1. You have the right to cancel this policy at any time if it does not meet your needs, but the effective date of cancellation cannot be
earlier than the date of the request unless we agree to an earlier date.
2. We may cancel this policy by sending notice to the named insured shown on the Declarations. This cancellation notice may be
delivered to the named insured, mailed by postal mail to the most recent address you provided to us or sent electronically if we
have your consent and agreement on file to receive documents electronically. In any event, we will give:
a. At least 10 days’ notice if
(1) Cancellation is for nonpayment of premium, or
(2) Notice is sent during the first 60 days this policy is in effect and this is not a renewal policy, or
b. At least 30 days’ notice in all other cases.
3. After this policy is in effect for 60 days or if this is a renewal policy, we will cancel only:
a. For nonpayment of premium, or
b. For fraud or material misrepresentation affecting the policy or the presentation of a claim in response to information requested
or questions asked by us, or
c. For a violation of the terms or conditions of the policy, or
d. If your driver's license or that of any driver who either lives with you or customarily uses your covered auto has been suspended
or revoked, or
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e. For failure to consent to a policy adjustment when the risk exposure has changed as required in the Changes section of this Part
E, or
f. For any other reason not prohibited by law.
B. Nonrenewal. If we decide not to renew this policy, we will send notice to the named insured shown on the Declarations. This notice may
be delivered to the named insured, mailed by postal mail to the most recent address you provided to us or sent electronically if we
have your consent and agreement on file to receive documents electronically. In any event, notice will be sent at least 30 days before
the end of the policy period.
C. Automatic Termination.
1. If we offer to renew and you or your representative do not accept, this policy will automatically terminate at the end of the current
policy period. Failure to pay the required renewal premium when due will mean that you have not accepted our offer.
2. If you obtain other insurance on your covered auto, any similar insurance provided by this policy will terminate as to that vehicle on
the effective date of the other insurance.
D. Other Termination Provisions.
1. Proof of mailing or electronic transmission of any notice will be sufficient proof of notice.
2. If this policy is canceled, the named insured shown on the Declarations may be entitled to a premium refund. The premium refund, if
any, will be computed pro rata. However, making or offering to make the refund is not a condition of cancellation.
3. The effective date of cancellation stated in the notice will become the end of the policy period.
Your rights and duties under this policy may not be assigned without our written consent. However, if the named insured shown on the
Declarations dies, we will provide coverage until the end of the policy period for:
1. The surviving spouse or registered civil partner if resident in the same household at the time of death. Coverage applies to the
spouse or registered civil partner as if the named insured shown on the Declarations, and
2. The legal representative of the deceased person as if the named insured shown on the Declarations. This applies only with respect
to the representative's legal responsibility to maintain or use your covered auto.
If this policy and any other motor vehicle insurance policy we issued to you apply to the same accident, the maximum limit of our liability
under all the policies will not exceed the highest applicable limit of liability under any one policy.
Copyright, USAA, 2018. All rights reserved.
Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, used with permission.