Essential elements of questionnaire design and development
Janice Rattray PhD, MN, DipN, Cert Ed RGN, SCM
Senior Lecturer in Nursing, Postgraduate Student Advisor, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Dundee, Dundee, UK
Martyn C Jones PhD, C Psychol, RNMH Dip Ed, Dip NBS, ILTM
Senior Lecturer in Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Dundee, Dundee, UK
Submitted for publication: 7 April 2005
Accepted for publication: 20 April 2005
Janice Rattray
School of Nursing and Midwifery
University of Dundee, Ninewells Hospital,
Dundee, DD1 9SY
Telephone: þ44(0)1382 632304
Journal of Clinical Nursing 16, 234–243
Essential elements of questionnaire design and development
Aims. The aims of this paper were (1) to raise awareness of the issues in ques-
tionnaire development and subsequent psychometric evaluation, and (2) to provide
strategies to enable nurse researchers to design and develop their own measure and
evaluate the quality of existing nursing measures.
Background. The number of questionnaires developed by nurses has increased in
recent years. While the rigour applied to the questionnaire development process may
be improving, we know that nurses are still not generally adept at the psychometric
evaluation of new measures. This paper explores the process by which a reliable and
valid questionnaire can be developed.
Methods. We critically evaluate the theoretical and methodological issues associated
with questionnaire design and development and present a series of heuristic decis-
ion-making strategies at each stage of such development. The range of available
scales is presented and we discuss strategies to enable item generation and devel-
opment. The importance of stating a priori the number of factors expected in a
prototypic measure is emphasized. Issues of reliability and validity are explored
using item analysis and exploratory factor analysis and illustrated using examples
from recent nursing research literature.
Conclusion. Questionnaire design and development must be supported by a logical,
systematic and structured approach. To aid this process we present a framework
that supports this and suggest strategies to demonstrate the reliability and validity of
the new and developing measure.
Relevance to clinical practice. In developing the evidence base of nursing practice
using this method of data collection, it is vital that questionnaire design incorporates
preplanned methods to establish reliability and validity. Failure to develop a ques-
tionnaire sufficiently may lead to difficulty interpreting results, and this may impact
upon clinical or educational practice. This paper presents a critical evaluation of
the questionnaire design and development process and demonstrates good practice
at each stage of this process.
Key words: nurses, nursing, psychometric evaluation, questionnaire design, scale
234 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2006.01573.x
The use of questionnaires as a method of data collection in
health-care research both nationally and internationally has
increased in recent years (Sitzia et al. 1997, Bakas &
Champion 1999, Chen 1999, Jones & Johnston 1999,
Jeffreys 2000, Waltz & Jenkins 2001, Siu 2002, Rattray
et al. 2004). The increasing emphasis on evidence-based
health care makes it even more important that nurses
understand the theoretical issues associated with such meth-
ods. When interpreting results from questionnaires, the
development process should be defined in sufficient detail
and with sufficient rigour to enable a practitioner to make an
informed decision about whether to implement findings. We
use questionnaires to enable the collection of information in a
standardized manner which, when gathered from a represen-
tative sample of a defined population, allows the inference of
results to the wider population. This is important when we
want to evaluate the effectiveness of care or treatment. While
the rigour applied to the questionnaire development process
may be improving, nurses are still neither generally adept nor
confident at the psychometric evaluation of such measures
(Jones & Johnston 1999). Central to the understanding of
results derived from questionnaires are the issues of reliability
and validity which underpin questionnaire development from
item generation, the proposal of an a priori factor structure to
subsequent psychometric analysis.
Whilst relevant texts may provide information about these
issues, rarely is sufficient detail provided in a single source to
guide the questionnaire development process. This paper
provides a critical analysis of key methodological issues from
item generation to planned psychometric evaluation and
collates a series of heuristic decision-making strategies to
assist practitioners to develop their own measure or evaluate
the work of others. Two worked examples illustrate these
strategies drawn from clinical practice and nurse education
(Jones & Johnston 1999, Rattray et al. 2004). Issues of
reliability and validity are explored using item analysis and
exploratory factor analytic techniques.
What will the questionnaire measure?
Nurse researchers use questionnaires to measure knowledge,
attitudes, emotion, cognition, intention or behaviour. This
approach captures the self-reported observations of the
individual and is commonly used to measure patient percep-
tions of many aspects of health care (see Table 1 for
examples). When developing a questionnaire, items or
questions are generated that require the respondent to
respond to a series of questions or statements. Participant
responses are then converted into numerical form and
statistically analysed. These items must reliably operational-
ize the key concepts detailed within specific research ques-
tions and must, in turn, be relevant and acceptable to the
target group. The main benefits of such a method of data
collection are that questionnaires are usually relatively quick
to complete, are relatively economical and are usually easy
to analyse (Bowling 1997).
This approach to data generation is not without criticism.
It assumes that the researcher and respondents share under-
lying assumptions about language and interpret statement
wording in a similar manner. Closed questions which are
commonly used may restrict the depth of participant response
(Bowling 1997) and thus the quality of data collected may be
diminished or incomplete. Questionnaire-based methods are,
therefore, not the method of choice where little is known
about a subject or topic area. In such an instance, qualitative
methods may be more appropriate.
The range of scales available
There are a range of scales and response styles that may be
used when developing a questionnaire. These produce differ-
ent types or levels of data (see Table 1) and this will influence
the analysis options. Therefore, when developing a new
measure, it is important to be clear which scale and response
format to use. Frequency scales may be used when it is
important to establish how often a target behaviour or event
has occurred, e.g. the Intensive Care Experience Question-
naire (Rattray et al. 2004). Thurstone scales are less common
in nursing research. Such scales use empirical data derived
from judges to ensure that attitudes or behaviours being
measured are spaced along a continuum with equal weight-
ing/spacing, e.g. Nottingham Health Profile (Hunt et al.
1985). Guttman scaling is a hierarchical scaling technique
that ranks items such that individuals who agree with an item
will also agree with items of a lower rank, e.g. Katz Index of
Activities of Daily Living (Katz et al. 1963). Rasch scaling is a
similar type of scale, e.g. De Jong Gierveld and Kamphuis
(1985) and Kline (1993). Knowledge questionnaires may be
helpful when evaluating the outcome of a patient education
programme, e.g. Furze et al. (2001). They generally offer
multiple choice or dichotomous yes/no response options.
Within research in nursing Likert-type or frequency scales
are most commonly used. These scales use fixed choice
response formats and are designed to measure attitudes or
opinions (Bowling 1997, Burns & Grove 1997). These
ordinal scales measure levels of agreement/disagreement. A
Likert-type scale assumes that the strength/intensity of
experience is linear, i.e. on a continuum from strongly agree
Issues in clinical nursing Elements of questionnaire design and development
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to strongly disagree, and makes the assumption that attitudes
can be measured. Respondents may be offered a choice of five
to seven or even nine precoded responses with the neutral
point being neither agree nor disagree. There is no assump-
tion made that equal intervals exist between the points on the
scale; however, they can indicate the relative ordering of an
individual’s response to an item. While this is perhaps too
simplistic, until an alternative model is developed, it is a
relatively easy and appropriate method to use (Oppenheim
1992). Some controversy exists as to whether a neutral point
should be offered. If this option is removed, this forces the
respondent to choose a response, which may lead to
respondent irritation and increase non-response bias (Burns
& Grove 1997).
It is acceptable to treat scores from this type of response
format as interval data to allow the use of common
parametric tests (Ferguson & Cox 1993, Polgar & Thomas
1995, Bowling 1997, Burns & Grove 1997). As with any data
set, subsequent statistical analysis should be determined by
the normality of distribution of the data and whether the data
meets the underlying assumptions of the proposed statistical
It would be unusual to develop a questionnaire that relied
upon a single-item response, and multi-item scales are
generally used in preference to single-item scales to avoid
bias, misinterpretation and reduce measurement error (Bowl-
ing 1997, Burns & Grove 1997). Such questionnaires have a
number of subscales that ‘tap’ into the main construct being
Table 1 Stages in questionnaire development: item generation and scale construction
Questionnaire development Key issues Examples of measures
What will the questionnaire
The York Angina Beliefs Questionnaire,
(Furze et al. 2001)
Operationalising the Theory of Planned
Behaviour (Conner & Sparks 1995)
Illness Perception Questionnaire
(Weinman et al. 1996)
Anxiety, depression (Spielberger et al.
1983, Goldberg & Williams 1988)
Functional Limitations Profile, FLIP
(Patrick & Peach 1989)
What types of scale can be
Likert type
Multiple choice
ICEQ, (Rattray et al. 2004)
Nottingham Health Profile, (Hunt et al.
Loneliness scale (De Jong Gierveld &
Kamphuis 1985)
FLIP (Patrick & Peach 1989)
Edinburgh Feeding Evaluation in
Dementia, (Watson & Deary 1996)
SNSI, (Jones & Johnston 1999)
The York Angina Beliefs
Questionnaire, (Furze et al. 2001)
How do I generate items for my
Ensure relevance of items?
Wording issues
Which response format is best?
Which types of question are possible?
Free text options?
Does your measure have subscales?
Questionnaire layout
Check research questions, explore
literature, experts, target population
Follow established guidelines
(Oppenheim 1992, Bowling 1997).
Discard poor items.
Consider and pilot response format
(five-point, seven-point, visual analogue
In standardized measures most are closed,
to allow combination of scores from
large numbers of respondents.
May have some open, free text
Construct items that represent each
different hypothesized domain
Carefully consider order of items
J Rattray and MC Jones
236 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16, 234–243
measured. For example, the Short-Form 36 (Ware &
Sherbourne 1992) measures health-related quality of life
using 36 items representing eight health subscales.
Item generation, wording and order
The generation of items during questionnaire development
requires considerable pilot work to refine wording and
content. To assure face or content validity, items can be
generated from a number of sources including consultation
with experts in the field, proposed respondents and review of
associated literature (Priest et al. 1995, Bowling 1997; see
Table 1). In addition, a key strategy in item generation is to
revisit the research questions frequently and to ensure that
items reflect these and remain relevant (Oppenheim 1992,
Bowling 1997). It is during this stage that the proposed
subscales of a questionnaire are identified (Ferguson & Cox
1993) and to ensure that items are representative of these. The
item and factor analysis stages of the questionnaire develop-
ment process may then be used to establish if such items are
indeed representative of the expected subscale or factor.
The type of question, language used and order of items
may all bias response. Consideration should be given to the
order in which items are presented, e.g. it is best to avoid
presenting controversial or emotive items at the beginning of
the questionnaire. To engage participants and prevent bore-
dom, demographic and/or clinical data may be presented at
the end. Certain questions should be avoided, e.g. those that
lead or include double negatives or double-barreled questions
(Bowling 1997). A mixture of both positively and negatively
worded items may minimize the danger of acquiescent
response bias, i.e. the tendency for respondents to agree with
a statement, or respond in the same way to items.
To allow respondents to expand upon answers and provide
more in-depth responses, free text response or open questions
may be included. Respondents may welcome this opportun-
ity. However, whilst this approach can provide the inter-
viewer with rich data, such material can be difficult to
analyse and interpret (Polgar & Thomas 1995). However,
these problems may be outweighed by the benefits of
including this option and can be especially useful in the early
development of a questionnaire. Free text comments can
inform future questionnaire development by identifying
poorly constructed items or new items for future inclusion.
Piloting a questionnaire using item analysis
(N £ 100)
It is important to ensure that sufficient pilot work is carried
out during the development of a new measure. This will
identify items that lack clarity or that may not be appropriate
for, or discriminate between, respondents. Ideally, the ques-
tionnaire should be piloted on a smaller sample of intended
respondents, but with a sample size sufficient to perform
systematic appraisal of its performance. Item analysis is one
way to pilot a questionnaire. This provides a range of simple
heuristics on item retention or deletion, see Table 2. High
endorsement of an option within a particular item suggests
poor discriminatory power or the redundancy of an item that
requires deletion (Priest et al. 1995). Alternatively, a Cron-
bach’s a < 0Æ70 may suggest that items in a questionnaire or
subscale are poorly grouped. To identify specific items that
do not add to the explanatory power of the questionnaire or
subscale an item-total correlation cut-off of <0Æ3 can be used
(Ferketich 1991, Kline 1993). However, it is important when
revising the questionnaire to refer constantly to the original
research questions that are being addressed and retain items
that are thought to reflect the underlying theoretical domains
of the questionnaire despite poor psychometric analysis.
Problem items may also be identified because of high levels of
Demonstrating reliability
It is essential that the reliability of a developing questionnaire
can be demonstrated. Reliability refers to the repeatability,
stability or internal consistency of a questionnaire (Jack &
Clarke 1998). One of the most common ways to demonstrate
this uses the Cronbach’s a statistic. This statistic uses inter-
item correlations to determine whether constituent items are
measuring the same domain (Bowling 1997, Bryman &
Cramer 1997, Jack & Clarke 1998). If the items show good
internal consistency, Cronbach’s a should exceed 0Æ70 for a
developing questionnaire or 0Æ80 for a more established
questionnaire (Bowling 1997, Bryman & Cramer 1997). It is
usual to report the Cronbach’s a statistic for the separate
domains within a questionnaire rather for the entire ques-
Item-total correlations can also be used to assess internal
consistency. If the items are measuring the same underlying
concept then each item should correlate with the total score
from the questionnaire or domain (Priest et al. 1995). This
score can be biased, especially in small sample sizes, as the
item itself is included in the total score (Kline 1993).
Therefore, to reduce this bias, a corrected item-total corre-
lation should be calculated. This removes the score from the
item from the total score from the questionnaire or domain
(Bowling 1997) prior to the correlation. Kline (1993)
recommends deleting any questionnaire item with a corrected
item-total correlation of <0Æ3. Item analysis using inter-item
Issues in clinical nursing Elements of questionnaire design and development
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correlations will also identify those items that are too similar.
High inter-item correlations (>0Æ8) suggest that these are
indeed repetitions of each other (sometimes referred to as
bloated specifics) and are in essence asking the same question
(Ferketich 1991, Kline 1993).
Test–retest reliability can assess stability of a measure over
time and this should be included in the process of any
questionnaire development. This is of particular importance
if the intended use of the measure is to assess change over
time or responsiveness.
Demonstrating validity
Validity refers to whether a questionnaire is measuring what it
purports to (Bryman & Cramer 1997). While this can be
difficult to establish, demonstrating the validity of a develop-
ing measure is vital. There are several different types of
validity (Polgar & Thomas 1995, Bowling 1997, Bryman &
Cramer 1997). Content validity (or face validity) refers to
expert opinion concerning whether the scale items represent
the proposed domains or concepts the questionnaire is
intended to measure. This is an initial step in establishing
validity, but is not sufficient by itself. Convergent (or
concurrent) and discriminant validity must also demonstrated
by correlating the measure with related and/or dissimilar
measures (Bowling 1997). When developing a questionnaire it
is, therefore, important to include, within the research design,
additional established measures with proven validity against
which to test the developing questionnaire. Construct validity
relates to how well the items in the questionnaire represent the
underlying conceptual structure. Factor analysis is one statis-
tical technique that can be used to determine the constructs or
domains within the developing measure. This approach can,
therefore, contribute to establishing construct validity.
Further development: exploratory factor analysis
(N > 100)
Following initial pilot work and item deletion, the question-
naire should be administered to a sample of sufficient size to
Table 2 Stages in questionnaire development: piloting the questionnaire: item analysis (Adapted from Rattray et al. 2004)
Questionnaire development Key issues Examples of decision aids
Piloting the questionnaire:
Item analysis
Spread of responses across options:
Initial psychometric analysis:
Clarity and relevance of items:
Items deemed theoretically important:
Is your measure affected by social desirability
High endorsement of a single option is problematic
(Priest et al. 1995). An item should be considered for
removal if 80%, £20% of responses endorsed one
Items with an inter-item correlation of <0Æ3or>0Æ7
should be considered for removal (Ferketich 1991).
Items with a poor Cronbach’s a, i.e. <0Æ7 should be
considered for removal (Kline 1993).
Researcher’s interpretation of patient comments.
Alternatively, if respondents fail to complete an item
it suggests that the item may lack clarity.
Items should be retained if they are deemed to be
theoretically important even if they do not meet the
above criteria.
Explore the relationship between item and scale total
with measure that captures this response tendency,
e.g. Marlowe–Crown Social Desirability Index
(Crowne & Marlowe 1960)
Reliability Internal consistency
Corrected inter-item correlations (Ferketich 1991)
Item-total correlation (Ferketich 1991)
Cronbach alpha (Kline 1993)
Temporal stability of the measure (Johnson 2001)
Observational studies (e.g. Ager 1998, Ager et al. 2001)
Validity Face or content
Concurrent or discriminant
Do the items sufficiently represent different
hypothesized domains?
Do subscale scores correlate with existing, validated
measures presented concurrently?
Do subscale scores predict hypothesis reports on
existing, validated measures presented longitudinally?
J Rattray and MC Jones
238 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16, 234–243
allow exploratory factor analytic techniques to be performed.
Ferguson and Cox (1993) suggest that 100 respondents is the
absolute minimum number to be able to undertake this
analysis. However, others would suggest that this is insuffi-
cient and a rule of thumb would be five respondents per item
(Bryman & Cramer 1997). This type of analysis must follow
a predefined and systematic analytic sequence (Ferguson &
Cox 1993).
Principal components analysis (PCA) explores the inter-
relationship of variables. It provides a basis for the removal
of redundant or unnecessary items in a developing measure
(Anthony 1999) and can identify the associated underlying
concepts, domains or subscales of a questionnaire (Oppen-
heim 1992, Ferguson & Cox 1993). The terms of factor
analysis and PCA are often used synonymously in this
context. In practice, however, PCA is most commonly used.
Rarely is a questionnaire uni-dimensional and PCA usually
identifies the presence of one principal component that
accounts for most of the variance and subsequent compo-
nents that account for less and less.
In the initial PCA analysis of an unrotated solution, most
items should ‘load’, i.e. correlate with the first component.
This can make interpretation of results difficult (Kline 1994),
and to assist the interpretation of a factor solution, rotation
of factors (components) is often performed. This should be a
standard option on statistical packages, e.g. Statistical Pack-
age for Social Scientists (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Factor
rotation maximizes the loadings of variables with a strong
association with a factor, and minimizes those with a weaker
one (Oppenheim 1992) and often helps make sense of the
proposed factor structure. Varimax rotation, which is an
orthogonal rotation (i.e. one in which the factors do not
correlate), is often used, particularly if the proposed factors
are thought to be independent of each other (Ferguson & Cox
1993). However, oblimin rotation may be used, when factors
are thought to have some relationship, e.g. Jones and
Johnston (1999). It is, therefore, vital to state a priori the
number of factors you expect to emerge and to have decided
which rotation method you will use ahead of any analysis.
Pre-analysis checks
Ferguson and Cox (1993) give a detailed account of the
process of exploratory factor analysis and provide a set of
heuristics for its three stages of pre-analysis checks, extrac-
tion and rotation (see Table 3 for the pre-analysis checks).
These pre-analysis checks are necessary to ensure the
proposed data set is appropriate for the method. The checks
include determining the stability of the emerging factor
structure, sampling requirements, item scaling, skewness and
kurtosis of variables and the appropriateness of the correla-
tion matrix.
Factor extraction
Two main methods are used to decide upon the number of
emerging factors, Kaiser’s criterion for those factors with an
eigenvalue of >1 and the scree test. An eigenvalue is an
estimate of variance explained by a factor in a data set
(Ferguson & Cox 1993), and a value >1 indicates greater
than average variance. A scree test is the graphic represen-
tation of this. Figure 1 shows the scree test that demonstrated
the four-factor structure from the SNSI (Jones & Johnston
1999). The number of factors is identified from the break in
the slope. If a straight line is fitted along the eigenvalue
rubble, the number of domains within the questionnaire is
revealed by the number of factors above the line. This latter
method includes a degree of subjectivity in its interpretation.
With PCA, the removal of redundant items within a
developing measure occurs within an iterative process. Agius
et al. (1996) describe an iterative process of removing
variables with general loadings (of 0Æ40 on more than one
factor) and weak loadings (failing to load above 0Æ 39 on any
factor). This process is applied to the initial unrotated PCA
before applying a varimax or oblimin rotation to interpret the
structure of the solution. In the development of the SNSI, first
unrotated principal component revealed the loading of 41
items accounting for 24Æ9% of the variance in the correlation
matrix. The scree plot suggested a four-factor solution for
rotation. Four further iterations of this variable reduction
process led to the final 22-item solution, accounting for
51Æ3% of the variance in the correlation matrix.
Two recent examples of questionnaire development are the
Intensive Care Experience Questionnaire (Rattray et al.
2004) and the Student Nurse Stress Index (Jones & Johnston
1999) for use in clinical and educational contexts respec-
tively. Both measures used the questionnaire development
approach described in this paper (see Table 4). In particular,
the suitability of the data set for this type of analysis was
established following the range of pre-analysis checks in each
case. The questionnaires were piloted using both item and
exploratory factor analysis. The hypothesized factor structure
was demonstrated in the ICEQ (Rattray et al. 2004) but not
in the SNSI (Jones & Johnston 1999) in which a fourth factor
emerged. This finding demonstrates the exploratory nature of
this type of factor analytic technique and the need to confirm
findings in an independent data set (Agius et al. 1996).
Confirmation of the initial four-factor structure was achieved
in an independent data set with the SNSI. Work is cur-
rently being undertaken for the ICEQ. Both questionnaires
Issues in clinical nursing Elements of questionnaire design and development
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demonstrated good reliability and concurrent validity. For
further details of the domain structure of the ICEQ and SNSI,
see original papers (Jones & Johnston 1999, Rattray et al.
2004). These papers provide a step-by-step account of the
questionnaire development process in a level of detail that is
not available in traditional textbooks. This will be of particular
use to the nurse researcher or research-minded practitioner.
This paper emphasizes the need to adopt a logical, systematic
and structured approach to questionnaire development. We
have presented a framework that supports this type of
approach and have illustrated the questionnaire development
process using item analysis, factor analytic and related
methods and have demonstrated strategies to demonstrate
the reliability and validity of the new and developing
measure. We have suggested the need to preplan each stage
of the questionnaire development process and provide a series
Analysis with 22 S.N.S.I. items
Factor number
Figure 1 Scree test from the SNSI (Jones & Johnston 1999).
Table 3 Stages in questionnaire development: factor analysis
Questionnaire development Key issues Pre-analysis checks (Ferguson & Cox 1993)
Further development:
Exploratory Factor analysis
Principal components analysis (PCA):
Explores the inter-relationship of variables
Provides a basis for the removal of redundant or
unnecessary items (Anthony 1999),
PCA is used to identify the underlying domains
or factors within a measure.
Prior to analysis, must propose an underlying
theoretical structure
Ensure that the data set is appropriate
Must follow a predefined and systematic analytic
sequence, e.g. Ferguson and Cox (1993)
Stable Factor Structure
Minimum number of participants: 100
Minimum participant to variable ratio,
N/p: 2:1–10:1
Minimum variable to factor ratio,
p/m: 2:1–6:1
Minimum participant to factor ratio,
N/m: 2:1–6:1
Random sampling from a population.
Item scaling
Likert, Mokken and frequency scales are
Normality of distribution/skewness and
Underlying assumption is of normal
distribution. Values of skewness and kurtosis
should be calculated for each variable, and
values out with accepted levels dealt with
Appropriateness of the correlation matrix
Kaiser Meyer–Olkin: can the correlations
between variables be accounted for by a
smaller set of factors? should be >0Æ5.
Bartlett Test of Sphericity: based on the
chi-squared test, – a large and significant test
used to indicate discoverable relationships
Further development:
Confirmatory factor analysis
Allows the further testing of the construct
validity of the measure
Confirmation of factor structure on an
independent data set, using exploratory and
confirmatory methods, see Agius et al. (1996),
Jones and Johnston (1999).
Same underlying assumptions as exploratory
Confirmatory process uses single sample and
multi-sample approaches
J Rattray and MC Jones
240 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16, 234–243
Table 4 Development of the ICEQ (Rattray et al. 2004) and SNSI (Jones & Johnston 1999)
ICEQ (Rattray et al. 2004) SNSI (Jones & Johnston 1999)
Purpose The rationale for this questionnaire was
identified from literature. Patients had limited
recall of the ICU experience, yet described it as
being frightening and persecutory in nature.
Reported perceptions of this experience have
been linked to poorer emotional outcome.
Previous research in this field was mainly
qualitative and, therefore, a standardized
questionnaire was developed
The main purpose of this measure was to develop
a reliable and valid questionnaire to measure
the sources of stress for student nurses. Previous
research had demonstrated high levels of
distress associated with training to be a student
nurse (Jones & Johnston 1997). It was
important to identify the sources of stress for
students, to inform a stress management
intervention (Jones & Johnston 2000)
Research questions Research questions were identified A four-factor structure was hypothesized
including academic load, clinical concerns and
interface worries
Scale and response format Likert-type and frequency scales with a
five-choice format.
Three open questions included
Likert-type items with a five-choice format
Generation of items Items generated from experts, literature review
and an underlying theoretical structure of five
domains was proposed.
Thirty-eight items generated, randomly placed
throughout the measure, with a mix of
positively and negatively worded items
An existing questionnaire with 43 items (Beck &
Srivastava 1991). Fifteen additional items were
generated from literature review and student
Test and pilot of items Pilot work: 34 patients interviewed Pilot work was with a large data set of 320
Amendments based on item analysis
or related techniques
Amendments made using criteria presented in
Table 1.
Eighteen items were removed, 11 were added
leaving a 31-item questionnaire.
Research questions revisited.
Again the underlying theoretical structure of four
domains was proposed
Item reduction carried out using exploratory
factor analysis methods, rather than item
Unrotated PCA. Weak Items (failing to load
above 0Æ39) and general items (loading at or
above 0Æ40 on more than one factor in the
unrotated solution) were deleted in an iterative
Principal component’s analysis Administered to 109 patients as part of a
structured interview.
Pre-analysis check ensured data were
Unrotated PCA
Varimax rotation
Factors with a loading of 0Æ4 on one factor
only were retained. Items were reduced from
31 to 24.
Four domains were identified
Forty-three plus 15 items were administered to
320 students. Pre-analysis check ensured data
were appropriate.
Oblimin rotation
Items were reduced to a 22 item simple oblique
Four subscales were identified, academic load,
clinical concerns, interface worries and
personal problems
Reliability Cronbach a statistic for each domain was 0Æ7 Cronbach a statistic for each domain was 0Æ73
(interface worries in an initial data set a 0Æ68)
Validity Concurrent validity established by correlating
domain scores with scores from two measures
with demonstrated validity, e.g. Hospital
Anxiety and Depression Scale, Impact of Event
Concurrent validity was shown by correlating
SNSI subscale scores with GHQ 30
(continuously scored).
Discrminant validity demonstrated with
distressed students scoring higher on all SNSI
Confirmation on an independent
data set
Data is being gathered to confirm the four-factor
structure of the ICEQ
Four-factor structure was confirmed on an
independent data set (N ¼ 195) using
exploratory and confirmatory factor analytic
techniques (Deary et al. 1993)
Revision of measure A revised 49-item version of the SNSI is currently
in development (Jones & Johnston 2003)
Issues in clinical nursing Elements of questionnaire design and development
2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16, 234–243 241
of heuristic strategies to enable the nurse researcher to
achieve this (Deary et al. 1993, Kline 1993, Agius et al.
While there has been an increase in the use of question-
naires within the nursing literature, few such measures have
been developed using the full set of strategies used by Rattray
et al. (2004) and Jones and Johnston (1999), summarized
here. In developing the evidence base of nursing practice
using this method of data collection, it is vital that the nurse
researcher incorporates methods to establish the reliability
and validity, particularly of new questionnaires. Failure to
develop a questionnaire sufficiently may lead to difficulty
interpreting results. For example, failure to demonstrate an
expected correlation of a new measure with an established
scale may arise because of limited variation in scores on a
developing questionnaire and the subsequent suppression of
correlations between scores on the two questionnaires.
Alternatively, there may really be no reliable relationship
between such variables. If a measure is poorly designed and
has had insufficient psychometric evaluation, it may be
difficult to judge between such competing explanations. In
addition, it may not be possible to use the findings from an
established measure, if that measure cannot be shown to be
reliable in a particular sample.
If clinical or educational practice is to be enhanced or
changed using findings derived from questionnaire-based
methods, it is vital that the questionnaire has been sufficiently
developed. This paper presents a critical evaluation of the
questionnaire design and development process and demon-
strates good practice at each stage of this process. This paper
will enable the informed nurse researcher to plan the design
and development of their own questionnaire, to evaluate the
quality of existing nursing measures, and to inspire confid-
ence in applying findings into practice.
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