Appendix A
Emergency Procedures
Changing weather conditions, air trac control (ATC), aircraft, and pilots are variables that make instrument ying an
unpredictable and challenging operation. Safety of the ight depends on the pilot’s ability to manage these variables
while maintaining positive aircraft control and adequate situational awareness (SA). This appendix discusses recognition
and suggested remedies for emergency events related to un-forecasted, adverse weather, aircraft system malfunctions,
communication/navigation system malfunctions, loss of SA, and inadvertent instrument meteorological conditions
An emergency can be either a distress or urgency condition as dened in the pilot/controller glossary. Distress is dened
as a condition of being threatened by serious and/or imminent danger and requiring immediate assistance. Urgency is
dened as a condition of being concerned about safety and requiring timely but not immediate assistance; a potential
distress condition.
Pilots do not hesitate to declare an emergency when faced with distress conditions, such as re, mechanical failure,
or structural damage. However, some are reluctant to report an urgency condition when encountering situations that
may not be immediately perilous but are potentially catastrophic. An aircraft is in an urgency condition the moment
that the pilot becomes doubtful about position, fuel endurance, weather, or any other condition that could adversely
aect ight safety. The time for a pilot to request assistance is when an urgent situation may, or has just occurred, not
after it has developed into a distress situation.
The pilot in command (PIC) is responsible for crew, passengers, and operation of the aircraft at all times. Title 14 of the
Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 91, § 91.3 allows deviations from regulations during emergencies that allow
the PIC to make the best decision to ensure safety of all personnel during these contingencies. Also, by declaring an
emergency during ight, that aircraft becomes a priority to land safely. Pilots who become apprehensive for their safety
for any reason should request assistance immediately. Assistance is available in the form of radio, radar, direction nding
(DF) stations, and other aircraft.
Inadvertent Thunderstorm Encounter
A pilot should always avoid intentionally ying through a thunderstorm of any intensity; however, certain conditions may
be present that could lead to an inadvertent thunderstorm encounter. For example, ying in areas where thunderstorms
are embedded in large cloud masses may make thunderstorm avoidance dicult, even when the aircraft is equipped
with thunderstorm detection equipment. Pilots must be prepared to deal with inadvertent thunderstorm penetration.
At the very least, a thunderstorm encounter subjects the aircraft to turbulence that could be severe. The pilot, as well
as the crew and any passengers, should tighten seat belts and shoulder harnesses and secure any loose items in the
cabin or ight deck.
As with any emergency, the rst order of business is to y the aircraft. The pilot workload is high; therefore, increased
concentration is necessary to maintain an instrument scan. Once in a thunderstorm, it is better to maintain a course
straight through the thunderstorm rather than turning around. A straight course most likely gets the pilot out of the
hazard in the least amount of time, and turning maneuvers only increase structural stress on the aircraft.
Reduce power to a setting that maintains a recommended turbulence penetration speed as described in the appropriate
aircraft operator’s manual, and try to minimize additional power adjustments. Concentrate on keeping the aircraft in
a level attitude while allowing airspeed and altitude to uctuate. Similarly, if using autopilot, disengage altitude and
speed hold modes because they only increase the aircrafts maneuvering, which increases structural stress.
During a thunderstorm encounter, the potential for icing also exists. As soon as possible, if the aircraft is so equipped,
turn on anti-icing/deicing equipment. Icing can be rapid at any altitude, and may lead to power failure and/or loss of
airspeed indication. Lightning is also present in a thunderstorm and can temporarily blind the pilot. To reduce risk,
turn up ight deck lights to the highest intensity, concentrate on ight instruments, and resist the urge to look outside.
Inadvertent Icing Encounter
Because icing is unpredictable, pilots may nd themselves in icing conditions although they have done everything to
avoid the condition. To stay alert to this possibility while operating in visible moisture, pilots should monitor the outside
air temperature (OAT).
Anti-icing/de-icing equipment is critical to safety of the ight. If anti-icing/de-icing equipment is not used before
sucient ice has accumulated, it may not be able to remove all ice accumulation. Use of anti-icing/de-icing reduces
power availability; therefore, pilots should be familiar with the aircraft operator’s manual for use of anti-icing/de-icing
Before entering visible moisture with temperatures at ve degrees above freezing or cooler, activate appropriate
anti-icing/de-icing equipment in anticipation of ice accumulation; early ice detection is critical. Detecting ice may be
particularly dicult during night ight. The pilot may need to use a ashlight to check for ice accumulation on the
wings, fuselage, landing gear, and horizontal stabilizer. At the rst indication of ice accumulation, the pilot must act
to circumvent icing conditions. Options for action once ice has begun to accumulate on the aircraft are the following:
Move to an altitude with signicantly colder temperatures.
Move to an altitude with temperatures above freezing.
Fly to an area clear of visible moisture.
Change the heading, and y to an area of known non-icing conditions.
If these options are not available, consider an immediate landing at the nearest suitable airport. Anti-icing/de-icing
equipment does not allow aircraft to operate in icing conditions indenitely; it only provides more time to evade icing
conditions. If icing is encountered, an aircraft controllability check should be considered in the landing conguration.
Give careful consideration to conguration changes that might produce unanticipated aircraft ight dynamics.
Precipitation Static
Precipitation static occurs when accumulated static electricity discharges from extremities of the aircraft. This discharge
has the potential to create problems with the aircrafts instruments. These problems range from serious, such as
complete loss of VHF communications and erroneous magnetic compass readings, to the annoyance of high-pitched
audio squealing.
Precipitation static is caused when an aircraft encounters airborne particles during ight (rain or snow) and develops a
negative charge. It can also result from atmospheric electric elds in thunderstorm clouds. When a signicant negative
voltage level is reached, the aircraft discharges it, creating electrical disturbances. To reduce problems associated with
precipitation static, the pilot ensures that the aircrafts static wicks are maintained and accounted for. All broken or
missing static wicks should be replaced before an instrument ight.
Aircraft System Malfunction
Preventing aircraft system malfunctions that might lead to an in-ight emergency begins with a thorough preight
inspection. In addition to items normally checked before visual ight rules (VFR) ight, pilots intending to y instrument
ight rules (IFR) should pay particular attention to antennas, static wicks, anti-icing/de-icing equipment, pitot tube, and
static ports. During taxi, verify operation and accuracy of all ight instruments. The pilots must ensure that all systems
are operational before departing into IFR conditions.
Generator Failure
Depending on aircraft being own, a generator failure is indicated in dierent ways. Some aircraft use an ammeter
that indicates the state of charge or discharge of the battery. A positive indication on the ammeter indicates a charge
condition; a negative indication reveals a discharge condition. Other aircraft use a load meter to indicate the load being
carried by the generator. If the generator fails, a zero load indication is shown on the load meter. Review the appropriate
aircraft operator’s manual for information on the type of systems installed in the aircraft.
Once a generator failure is detected, the pilot must reduce electrical load on the battery and land as soon as practical.
Depending on electrical load and condition of the battery, sucient power may be available for an hour or more of
ight or for only a matter of minutes. The pilot must be familiar with systems requiring electricity to run and which
continue to operate without power. In aircraft with multiple generators, care should be taken to reduce electrical load
to avoid overloading the operating generator(s). The pilot can attempt to troubleshoot generator failure by following
established procedures published in the appropriate aircraft operator’s manual. If the generator cannot be reset, inform
ATC of an impending electrical failure.
Instrument Failure
System or instrument failure is usually identied by a warning indicator or an inconsistency between indications on
the attitude indicator, supporting performance instruments, and instruments at the other pilot station, if so equipped.
Aircraft control must be maintained while the pilot identies the failed components and expedite cross-check including
all ight instruments. The problem may be individual instrument failure or a system failure aecting several instruments.
One method of identication involves an immediate comparison of the attitude indicator with rate-of-turn indicator
and vertical speed indicator (VSI). Along with providing pitch-and-bank information, this technique compares the static
system with the pressure system and electrical system. Identify the failed components and use remaining functional
instruments to maintain aircraft control. Attempt to restore inoperative components by checking the appropriate power
source, changing to a backup or alternate system, and resetting the instrument if possible. Covering failed instruments
may enhance the ability to maintain aircraft control and navigate the aircraft. ATC should be notied of the problem
and, if necessary, declare an emergency before the situation deteriorates beyond the ability to recover.
Pitot/Static System Failure
A pitot or static system failure can also cause erratic and unreliable instrument indications. When a static system
problem occurs, it aects the airspeed indicator, altimeter, and VSI. In the absence of an alternate static source in an
unpressurized aircraft, the pilot could break the glass on the VSI because it is not required for instrument ight. Breaking
the glass provides both the altimeter and airspeed indicator a source of static pressure, but pilots should be cautious
because breaking the glass can cause additional instrument errors. Before considering, pilots should be familiar with
their aircraft’s specic procedures for static problems.
Loss of Situational Awareness (SA)
SA is an overall assessment of environmental elements and how they aect ight. SA permits the pilot to make decisions
ahead of time and allows evaluation of several dierent options. Conversely, a pilot who is missing important information
about the ight is apt to make reactive decisions. Poor SA means that the pilot lacks vision regarding future events
that can force him or her to make decisions quickly often with limited options. During an IFR ight, pilots operate at
varying levels of SA. For example, a pilot may be en route to a destination with a high level of SA when ATC issues an
unexpected standard terminal arrival route (STAR). Because the STAR is unexpected and the pilot is unfamiliar with the
procedure, SA is reduced. However, after becoming familiar with the STAR and resuming normal navigation, the pilot
returns to a higher level of SA.
Factors reducing SA include distractions, unusual or unexpected events, complacency, high workload, unfamiliar
situations, and inoperative equipment. In some situations, a loss of SA may be beyond a pilot’s control. With an electrical
system failure and associated loss of an attitude indication, a pilot may nd the aircraft in an unusual attitude. In this
situation, established procedures are used to regain SA and aircraft control. Pilots must be alert to loss of SA especially
when hampered by a reactive mindset. To regain SA, reassess the situation and work toward understanding what the
problem is. The pilot may need to seek additional information from other sources, such as navigation instruments, other
crewmembers, or ATC.
Inadvertent Instrument Meteorological Condition (IIMC)
Some pilots have the misconception that inadvertent instrument meteorological condition (IIMC) does not apply to an IFR
ight. The following examples could cause a pilot to inadvertently encounter IMC.
1. The aircraft has entered visual meteorological conditions (VMC) during an instrument approach procedure
(IAP) and while circling to land encounters IMC.
2. During a non-precision IAP, the aircraft, in VMC, levels at the MDA just below the overcast. Suddenly, the
aircraft re-enters the overcast because either the pilot was unable to correctly hold his or her altitude and
climbed back into the overcast, or the overcast sloped downward ahead of the aircraft and, while maintaining
the correct MDA, the aircraft re-entered the clouds.
3. After inadvertently re-entering the clouds, the pilot maintains aircraft control, and then maneuvers to the
published holding x, while contacting ATC. If navigational guidance or pilot SA were lost, the pilot would
then climb to the published MSA (see AIM paragraph 5-4-7c).
In order to survive an encounter with IIMC, a pilot must recognize and accept the seriousness of the situation. The pilot
will need to immediately commit to the instruments and perform the proper recovery procedures.
Maintaining Aircraft Control
Once the crewmembers recognize the situation, they commit to controlling the aircraft by using and trusting ight
instruments. Attempting to search outside the ight deck for visual conrmation can result in spatial disorientation
and complete loss of control. The crew must rely on instruments and depend on crew coordination to facilitate that
transition. The pilot or ight crew must abandon their eorts to establish visual references and y the aircraft by their
ight instruments.
The most important concern, along with maintaining aircraft control, is to initiate a climb immediately. An immediate
climb provides a greater separation from natural and manmade obstacles, as well as improve radar reception of the
aircraft by ATC. An immediate climb should be appropriate for the current conditions, environment, and known or
perceived obstacles. Listed below are procedures that can assist in maintaining aircraft control after encountering IIMC
with the most critical action being to immediately announce IIMC and begin a substantial climb while procedures are
being performed. These procedures are performed nearly simultaneously:
Attitude—level wings on the attitude indicator.
Heading—maintain heading; turn only to avoid known obstacles.
Power—adjust power as necessary for desired climb rate.
Airspeed—adjust airspeed as necessary. Complete the IIMC recovery according to local and published
regulations and policies.
In situations where the pilot encounters IIMC while conducting an instrument maneuver, the best remedy is immediate
execution of the published missed approach.
The pilot must trust the ight instruments concerning the aircraft’s attitude regardless of intuition or visual interpretation.
The vestibular sense (motion sensing by the inner ear) can confuse the pilot. Because of inertia, sensory areas of the
inner ear cannot detect slight changes in aircraft attitude nor can they accurately sense attitude changes that occur at
a uniform rate over time. Conversely, false sensations often push the pilot to believe that the attitude of the aircraft has
changed when in fact it has not, resulting in spatial disorientation.
ATC Requirements During an In-Flight Emergency
ATC personnel can help pilots during in-ight emergency situations. Pilots should understand the services provided
by ATC and the resources and options available. These services enable pilots to focus on aircraft control and help them
make better decisions in a time of stress.
Provide Information
During emergency situations, pilots should provide as much information as possible to ATC. ATC uses the information to
determine what kind of assistance it can provide with available assets and capabilities. Information requirements vary
depending on the existing situation. ATC requires at a minimum, the following information for in-ight emergencies:
Aircraft identication and type
Nature of the emergency
Pilot’s desires
If time and the situation permits, the pilot should provide ATC with more information. Listed below is additional
information that would help ATC in further assisting the pilot during an emergency situation.
Aircraft altitude
Point of departure and destination
• Airspeed
Fuel remaining in time
Heading since last known position
Visible landmarks
Navigational aids (NAVAID) signals received
Time and place of last known position
Aircraft color
Pilot reported weather
Emergency equipment on board
Number of people on board
Pilot capability for IFR ight
Navigation equipment capability
When the pilot requests, or when deemed necessary, ATC can enlist services of available radar facilities and DF facilities
operated by the FAA. ATC can also coordinate with other agencies, such as the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) and other local
authorities and request their emergency services.
Radar Assistance
Radar is an invaluable asset that can be used by pilots during emergencies. With radar, ATC can provide navigation
assistance to aircraft and provide last-known location during catastrophic emergencies. If a VFR aircraft encounters or
is about to encounter IMC weather conditions, the pilot can request radar vectors to VFR airports or VFR conditions. If
the pilot determines that he or she is qualied and the aircraft is capable of conducting IFR ight, the pilot should le
an IFR ight plan and request a clearance from ATC to the destination airport as appropriate. If the aircraft has already
encountered IFR conditions, ATC can inform the pilot of appropriate terrain/obstacle clearance minimum altitude. If the
aircraft is below appropriate terrain/obstacle clearance minimum altitude and suciently accurate position information
has been received or radar identication is established, ATC can furnish a heading or radial on which to climb to reach
appropriate terrain/ obstacle clearance minimum altitude.
Emergency Airports
ATC personnel consider how much remaining fuel in relation to the distance to the airport and weather conditions
when recommending an emergency airport to aircraft requiring assistance. Depending on the nature of the emergency,
certain weather phenomena may deserve weighted consideration. A pilot may elect to y further to land at an airport
with VFR conditions instead of closer aireld with IFR conditions. Other considerations are airport conditions, NAVAID
status, aircraft type, pilots qualications, and vectoring or homing capability to the emergency airport. In addition,
ATC and pilots should determine which guidance can be used to y to the emergency airport. The following options
may be available:
Following another aircraft
Pilotage by landmarks
Compass headings
Emergency Obstruction Video Map (EOVM)
The emergency obstruction video map (EOVM) is intended to facilitate advisory service in an emergency situation when
appropriate terrain/obstacle clearance minimum altitude cannot be maintained. The EOVM, and the service provided,
are used only under the following conditions:
1. The pilot has declared an emergency.
2. The controller has determined an emergency condition exists or is imminent because of the pilots inability to
maintain an appropriate terrain/obstacle clearance minimum altitude.
Note: Appropriate terrain/obstacle clearance minimum altitudes may be dened as minimum IFR altitude (MIA), minimum
en route altitude (MEA), minimum obstacle clearance altitude (MOCA), or minimum vectoring altitude (MVA).
When providing emergency vectoring service, the controller advises the pilot that any headings issued are emergency
advisories intended only to direct the aircraft toward and over an area of lower terrain/obstacle elevation. Altitudes and
obstructions depicted on the EOVM are actual altitudes and locations of the obstacle/terrain and contain no lateral or
vertical buers for obstruction clearance.
ATC, in communication with an aircraft in distress, should handle the emergency and coordinate and direct the activities
of assisting facilities. ATC will not transfer this responsibility to another facility unless that facility can better handle the
situation. When an ATC facility receives information about an aircraft in distress, they forward detailed data to the center
in the area of the emergency. Centers serve as central points for collecting information, coordinating with search and
rescue (SAR) and distributing information to appropriate agencies.
Although 121.5 megahertz and 243.0 megahertz are emergency frequencies, the pilot should keep the aircraft on the
initial contact frequency. The pilot should change frequencies only when a valid reason exists. When necessary, and
if weather and circumstances permit, ATC should recommend that aircraft maintain or increase altitude to improve
communications, radar, or DF reception.
An escort aircraft, if available, should consider and evaluate an appropriate formation. Special consideration must be
given if maneuvers take the aircraft through clouds. Aircraft should not execute an in-ight join up during emergency
conditions unless both crews involved are familiar with and capable of formation ight and can communicate and have
visual contact with each other.