NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (NREL) at
Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308
System Advisor Model (SAM)
General Description
Nate Blair, Nicholas DiOrio, Janine Freeman,
Paul Gilman, Steven Janzou, Ty Neises,
Michael Wagner
Renewable Energy Laboratory
Technical Report
May 2018
NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (NREL) at
Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
15013 Denver West Parkway
Golden, CO
303-275-3000 •
System Advisor Model (SAM)
General Description
(Version 2017.9.5)
Nate Blair, Nicholas DiOrio, Janine Freeman,
Paul Gilman, Steven Janzou, Ty Neises,
and Michael Wagner
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Suggested Citation
Blair, Nate, Nicholas DiOrio, Janine Freeman, Paul Gilman, Steven
Janzou, Ty Neises, and Michael Wagner. 2018. System Advisor Model
(SAM) General Description (Version 2017.9.5). Golden, CO: National
Renewable Energy Laboratory. NREL/
Technical Report
May 2018
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Executive Summary
This document describes the capabilities of the System Advisor Model (SAM) developed and
distributed by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The
document is for potential users and others wanting to learn about the model's capabilities. SAM
is a techno-economic computer model that calculates performance and financial metrics of
renewable energy projects. Project developers, policy makers, equipment manufacturers, and
researchers use graphs and tables of SAM results in the process of evaluating financial,
technology, and incentive options for renewable energy projects. SAM simulates the
performance of photovoltaic, concentrating solar power, solar water heating, wind, geothermal,
and biomass power systems, and includes a basic generic model for comparisons with
conventional or other types of systems. The financial models are for projects that either buy and
sell electricity at retail rates (residential and commercial) or sell electricity at a price determined
in a power purchase agreement (PPA). SAM's simulation tools facilitate parametric and
sensitivity analyses, Monte Carlo simulation and weather variability (P50/P90) studies. It
includes a full-featured, built-in scripting language called LK that automates simulations for
batch processing and allows for more complex analyses and reading and writing data from files.
Several macros written in LK come with SAM to help with tasks such as checking weather files,
sizing photovoltaic systems, and other tasks. SAM’s Excel Exchange feature can also read input
variables from Microsoft Excel worksheets. For software developers, the SAM software
development kit (SDK) makes it possible to use SAM simulation modules in their applications
written in C/C++, C#, Java, Python, MATLAB, and other languages. NREL provides both SAM
and the SDK as free downloads at SAM is an open source project, so its
source code is available to the public. Researchers can study the code to understand the model
algorithms, and software programmers can contribute their own models and enhancements to the
project. Technical support and more information about the software are available on the website.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
Table of Contents
1 SAM Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Software Downloads ............................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Desktop Application ...................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Software Development Kit ............................................................................................................ 3
2.3 Open Source Repositories ............................................................................................................. 4
3 Inputs and Default Values .................................................................................................................... 5
4 Performance Models ............................................................................................................................ 6
5 Financial Models ................................................................................................................................... 8
6 Simulation Tools ................................................................................................................................. 11
7 Extending SAM ................................................................................................................................... 13
8 Software Development History ......................................................................................................... 14
9 User Support ....................................................................................................................................... 15
10 Software Structure ............................................................................................................................. 17
11 Software Legal Disclaimer and License ........................................................................................... 18
11.1 Disclaimer for Desktop Application and Software Development Kit ......................................... 18
11.2 License for Open Source Code .................................................................................................... 18
List of Figures
Figure 1. The SAM main window showing the results summary for a wind power system. ............... 2
Figure 2. The Generate Code command on the Case menu exports ready-to-run code from the
desktop application to use with the software development kit. ............................................................. 3
Figure 3. Diagram of SAM’s structure. ...................................................................................................... 4
Figure 4. The Results page showing time series results for a photovoltaic system with battery
storage. This file contains two cases, one for a wind farm and one for a photovoltaic system. ....... 7
Figure 5. The first several rows of the pro-form cash flow for a PPA power generation project. ...... 9
Figure 6. The report generator exports a PDF showing key assumptions and results from a SAM
analysis case. ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 7. SAM's help system includes detailed descriptions of the user interface, modeling
options, and results. ................................................................................................................................. 15
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
1 SAM Overview
This document describes the System Advisor Model (SAM) developed by the U.S. Department
of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), and is written to help potential
users determine whether the software meets their modeling needs, and to provide information for
readers who do not plan to use SAM but want to learn about its capabilities.
SAM is a techno-economic computer model designed to facilitate decision making for people
involved in the renewable energy industry:
Project managers and engineers
Financial and policy analysts
Technology developers
SAM is available in the following platforms:
Desktop application for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS
Application programming interface (API) with a set of programming tools in the SAM
software development kit (SDK)
A set of documented open source C++ code repositories
To model a renewable energy project in SAM, you choose a performance model and a financial
model to represent the project, and assign values to input variables to provide information about
the project's location, type of equipment in the system, cost of installing and operating the
system, and financial and incentives assumptions. Once you are satisfied with the input variable
values, you run simulations, and then examine results. A typical analysis involves running
simulations, examining results, revising inputs, and repeating that process until you understand
and have confidence in the results.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
Figure 1. The SAM main window showing the results summary for a wind power system.
SAM’s performance models are for photovoltaic systems with optional battery storage,
concentrating solar power, industrial process heat, solar water heating, wind, geothermal,
biomass, and conventional power systems that either deliver electricity directly to the power
grid, or interact with the electric load of a grid-connected building or facility. SAM does not
model off-grid power systems, or hybrid power systems with more than one power generation
source. The financial models are for projects that either buy and sell electricity at retail rates
(residential and commercial), or sell electricity at a price determined in a power purchase
agreement (PPA). SAM can model large or small projects, ranging from residential rooftop
photovoltaic installations to large concentrating solar power generation projects and wind farms.
SAM is an open source project, so its source code is available to the public. Researchers can
study the code to understand the model algorithms, and software programmers can contribute
their own models and enhancements to the project. Reference manuals describing the model
algorithms are also available for download from the SAM website.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
2 Software Downloads
NREL distributes SAM for free at It is available in the three packages for
different applications as described below.
2.1 Desktop Application
SAM is available as a desktop application for Windows, Mac, and Linux computers. The current
version at the time of this writing is Version 2017.9.5, released in September 2017. The desktop
version of SAM is a complete application that provides a graphical user interface to set values of
inputs, configure and run simulations, and generate tables and graphs of results. The SAM
desktop application is available at
NREL releases one or two desktop versions of SAM each year, and makes available legacy
versions on the SAM website.
2.2 Software Development Kit
The SAM Software Development Kit (SDK) is a package of tools for software developers to
create applications that interact with the SAM Simulation Core (SSC). It provides access to SSC
via the same application programming interface (API) that the SAM desktop application uses.
The SAM SDK is available at
The SDK contains:
The SSC API, sscapi.h
The SSC dynamic library and supporting libraries for Windows, Mac, and Linux
The SDKtool application
The SSC Guide
Code examples
Figure 2. The Generate Code command on the Case menu exports ready-to-run code from the
desktop application to use with the software development kit.
The desktop application’s Code Generator can generate ready-to-run code in any of the
following languages from the inputs in a SAM case:
Python 2 and 3
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
PHP 5 and 7
The Code Generator also generates code for applications on mobile platforms:
2.3 Open Source Repositories
SAM Open Source is the set of public code repositories that NREL uses to build the desktop
applications. The repositories are available for SAM users who want to explore the code to find
equations and algorithms to understand how SAM’s models work. It also available for model
developers who want to adapt and modify SAM for their own use, and for collaborators who
want to make contributions to SAM by helping to fix bugs or add features.
The SAM code repositories are hosted on at
Figure 3. Diagram of SAM’s structure.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
3 Inputs and Default Values
SAM requires input data to describe the performance characteristics of physical equipment in the
system, and project costs and financial assumptions. The desktop application comes with default
input values and tools for downloading some inputs from online data services. For SDK users,
when you run SSC via the API, you must assign values to the inputs in your code. (You can use the
code generator described in Section 2.2 above.)
SAM requires a weather data file as input to describe the renewable energy resource and weather
conditions at a project location. In the desktop application, you either choose a weather data file
from a list, download one from the internet, or create the file using your own data.
The desktop application comes with several libraries of performance data and coefficients that
describe the characteristics of commercially available system components such as photovoltaic
modules and inverters, parabolic trough receivers and collectors, wind turbines, and biopower
combustion systems. For those components, you simply choose an option from a list, and SAM
applies values from the library to the input variables.
The desktop application comes with a set of component libraries that store input parameters for the
photovoltaic, solar water heating, wind and parabolic trough performance models:
Module parameters from the California Energy Commission
Inverter parameters from the California Energy Commission
Solar hot water collector parameters from the SRCC
Trough receiver parameters from NREL
Trough collector parameters from NREL
Wind turbine power curves from NREL
The desktop application can also automatically download data and populate input variable values
from the following online databases:
OpenEI Utility Rate Database for retail electricity rate structures for U.S. utilities.
NREL National Solar Radiation Database for solar resource data and ambient weather
NREL Wind Integration Datasets for wind resource data.
NREL Biofuels Atlas and DOE Billion Ton Update for biomass resource data.
For the remaining input variables, you either use the default value or change its value. Some
examples of input variables are:
Installation costs including equipment purchases, labor, engineering and other project costs,
land costs, and operation and maintenance costs.
Numbers of modules and inverters, tracking type, and derating factors for photovoltaic
Collector and receiver type, solar multiple, storage capacity, and power block capacity for
parabolic trough systems.
Analysis period, real discount rate, inflation rate, tax rates, internal rate of return target or
power purchase price for utility financing models.
Building load and time-of-use retail rates for commercial and residential financing models.
Tax and cash incentive amounts and rates.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
4 Performance Models
SAM's performance models make timestep-by-timestep calculations of a power system's electric
output, generating a set of timeseries data that represents the system's electricity production over
a single year. The simulation timestep depends on the temporal resolution of the data in the
weather file, which can be hourly or subhourly.
You can explore the system's performance characteristics in detail by viewing tables and graphs
of the timeseries performance data, or use performance metrics such as the system's total annual
output and capacity factor for more general performance evaluations.
The current version of SAM includes performance models for the following technologies. It does
not limit the size of systems, so can be used to model small residential-scale systems or large
utility-scale systems:
Photovoltaic (PV) with optional electric battery storage
High concentration PV
CSP parabolic trough
CSP power tower (molten salt and direct steam)
CSP linear Fresnel
CSP integrated solar combined cycle
CSP dish-Stirling
Process heat parabolic trough and linear direct steam
Conventional thermal (a simple heat rate model)
Solar water heating for residential or commercial buildings
Wind power
Geothermal power and geothermal co-production
Biomass power
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
Figure 4. The Results page showing time series results for a photovoltaic system with battery
storage. This file contains two cases, one for a wind farm and one for a photovoltaic system.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
5 Financial Models
SAM's financial models calculate financial metrics for various kinds of power projects based on
a project's cash flows over an analysis period that you specify. The financial model uses the
system's electrical output calculated by the performance model to calculate the series of annual
cash flows.
SAM’s financial models can be used for a wide range of projects:
Residential building (retail electricity rates)
Commercial facility (retail rates)
Third party ownership
Power generation (power purchase agreement):
Single owner
o Leveraged partnership flip
o All equity partnership flip
o Sale leaseback
The LCOE calculator is general, simple model that uses a fixed charge rate, installation cost,
and annual operating cost as input to calculate the levelized cost of energy for any financial
Residential and commercial projects generate electricity to reduce a building or facility’s
consumption of electricity from the grid. They are financed through either a loan or cash
payment, and recover investment costs through savings from reduced electricity purchases from
the electricity service provider. For electricity pricing, SAM can model simple flat buy and sell
rates, monthly net metering, or complex rate structures with tiered time-of-use pricing and
demand charges. For these projects, SAM reports the following metrics:
Levelized cost of energy
Electricity cost with and without renewable energy system
Electricity savings
After-tax net present value
Payback period
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
Figure 5. The first several rows of the pro-form cash flow for a PPA power generation project.
PPA projects for power generation sell electricity through a power purchase agreement at a fixed
price with optional annual escalation and time-of-delivery (TOD) factors. For these projects,
SAM calculates:
Levelized cost of energy
PPA price (electricity sales price)
Internal rate of return
Net present value
Debt fraction or debt service coverage ratio
SAM can either calculate the internal rate of return based on a power price you specify, or
calculate the power price based on the rate of return you specify.
SAM calculates the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) from after-tax cash flows, so that the LCOE
represents the cost of generating electricity over the project life, accounting for taxes and
The project annual cash flows include:
Revenues from electricity sales and incentive payments
Installation costs
Operating, maintenance, and replacement costs
Loan principal and interest payments
Tax benefits and liabilities (accounting for any tax credits for which the project is eligible)
Incentive payments
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Project and partner's internal rate of return requirements (for PPA projects)
The financial model can account for a wide range of incentive payments and tax credits:
Investment based incentives
Capacity-based incentives
Production-based incentives
Investment tax credits
Production tax credits
Depreciation (MACRS, Straight-line, custom, bonus, etc.)
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
6 Simulation Tools
A simulation in SAM involves calculating the power system’s output for each hourly or
subhourly timestep in a year, and calculating a project cash flow over a multi-year period. SAM's
simulation tools make it possible to conduct studies involving multiple simulations for
parametric and stochastic modeling for analyses that investigate the impacts on model results of
variations and uncertainty in assumptions about weather, performance, cost, and financial
Parametric Analysis: Assign multiple values to input variables to create graphs and tables
showing the value of output metrics for each value of the input variable. Useful for
optimization and exploring relationships between input variables and results.
Stochastic Analysis: Create histograms showing the sensitivity of output metrics to variations
in input values.
Probability of Exceedance Analysis (P50/P90): For locations with weather data available for
many years, calculate the probability that the system's total annual output will exceed a
certain value.
Excel Exchange (Windows only): Use Excel to calculate the value of input variables, and
automatically pass values of input variables between SAM and Excel.
LK Script: Write your own programs within the SAM user interface to control simulations,
change values of input variables, and write data to text files and interact with Excel
Figure 6. The report generator exports a PDF showing key assumptions and results from a SAM
analysis case.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
Additional tools include:
Inputs browser: Display all inputs in each case in a SAM file as a single table that can be
filtered to find input variables with different value and exported to a CSV file.
Import cases: Import a case from one SAM file into another.
Report generator: Create a PDF file with summary tables and graphs of inputs and results.
Notes: Store text with each input page to document your analysis.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
7 Extending SAM
For software developers, researchers and others who want to expand on SAM’s capabilities, the
SAM Software Development Kit (SDK) and open source repository provide tools for developing
capabilities beyond those available in the SAM user interface.
The SDK provides an application programming interface (API) to the SAM Simulation Core
(SSC) making it possible to write software to calculate values of SAM inputs, run simulations,
and read values of simulation results in the API’s native C, or in C++, Java, Python, MathWorks
MATLAB, and C#. The SSC API is also used by the SAM user interface, so software you write
interacts with the same high quality performance and financial models as SAM.
The open source repository hosted on is all of the C++ code used to develop the
SSC library and user interface. Software developers and researchers can use the repository to
build custom versions of SAM or to investigate the inner workings of SAM’s performance and
financial models.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
8 Software Development History
The System Advisor Model was originally called the "Solar Advisor Model," and was first
developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in collaboration with Sandia National
Laboratories in 2005 for internal use by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy
Technologies Program in its systems-based analysis of solar technology improvement
opportunities within the program. NREL released the first public version in August 2007 as
Version 1, making it possible for solar energy professionals to analyze photovoltaic systems and
concentrating solar power parabolic trough systems in the same modeling platform using
consistent financial assumptions. Since then, DOE has continued to support NREL’s
development and free distribution of the software.
Since 2007, NREL has released one or two new version of SAM each year, adding new
technologies and financial models with periodic updates between releases for bug fixes and
minor updates. SAM was originally developed in Delphi Pascal, and converted in 2008-2009 to
C++ with a user interface based on the wxWidgets 2.8 library, allowing for SAM versions to be
compiled for Mac in addition to Microsoft Windows. In 2010, the name changed to "System
Advisor Model" to reflect the addition of non-solar technologies. In 2013-2014, the code was
largely re-written for a user-interface redesign based on the wxWidgets 3.0 library and extension
called WEX, which allowed for more user interface features and more powerful LK scripting
capabilities. The SAM Software Development Kit was first released in 2014, and Linux versions
first became available in 2015. In 2017, SAM’s source code was released as an open source
project. NREL continues to release one or two new versions of the software each year, with
periodic maintenance updates as needed.
For a list of software revisions from Version 1.1 (August 2007) to the present with historical
details about feature additions and updates, see the SAM release notes:
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
9 User Support
NREL provides support for the desktop version of SAM, software development kit (SDK), and
SAM Open source.
Figure 7. SAM's help system includes detailed descriptions of the user interface, modeling
options, and results.
The following resources are available for learning to use SAM and for getting help with your
SAM desktop version Help system: Press the F1 key in Windows or Linux, or Command-?
on a Mac from any input or results page in SAM to view the Help topic for that page.
User support forum for the desktop version of SAM
User support for the SDK at
GitHub Wiki and Issues pages for the open source repositories at and
Video recordings of SAM webinars at
You can also contact the SAM support team via email by submitting a message on the website
contact page:
Guidelines for Citing SAM in Publications
In documentation of your research or analysis based on SAM results, NREL asks that you
acknowledge your use of the System Advisor Model and mention the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory (NREL), which develops the software, and the U.S. Department of Energy
(DOE), which funds NREL's work.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
Here are some suggestions for citing SAM in your articles and other publications. Refer to your
publication guidelines for correct formatting.
Citing the SAM software:
System Advisor Model Version 2017.9.5 (SAM 2017.9.5). National Renewable Energy
Laboratory. Golden, CO. Accessed October 31, 2017.
Citing a topic in the SAM user documentation:
System Advisor Model Version 2017.9.5 (SAM 2017.9.5) User Documentation. Weather File
Formats. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Golden, CO.
Citing content from the SAM website:
System Advisor Model Version 2017.9.5 (SAM 2017.9.5) Website. Simple Efficiency Module.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Golden, CO. Accessed October 31, 2017.
Citing the SAM general description:
Blair, N.; DiOrio, N.; Freeman, J.; Gilman, P.; Janzou, S.; Neises, T. (2017). System Advisor
Model (SAM) General Description. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Golden, CO.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
10 Software Structure
SAM consists of a user interface, an application programming interface (API), and the “SAM
Simulation Core” or SSC. The user interface is the part of SAM that you see in the desktop
application. (If you write your own software to access the API, you can develop your own user
interface.) It provides access to input variables and simulation controls and displays tables and
graphs of results. The API is a software mechanism that provides a connection between the user
interface and SSC. SSC consists of a set of “compute modules” for the performance and financial
models that perform a time-step-by-time-step simulation of a power system's performance, and
calculate the project’s annual cash flow and financial metrics.
WEX and LK are code repositories that provide additional functionality to SAM. These
components are also used by other NREL software projects. WEX is an extension of the open
source graphical user interface framework called wxWidgets, and provides user interface
elements designed especially for SAM. The time series data viewer called DView that comes
with SAM is part of WEX, and can be compiled as a standalone application. LK is a scripting
language developed for SAM with a script editor that is used by SAM and the SDKtool that
comes with the SAM software development kit.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
11 Software Legal Disclaimer and License
SAM may be used for any purpose, including commercial use. NREL asks that such use be
acknowledged in any documentation of products or analysis involving the software with a credit
to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory for developing the software, and the U.S.
Department of Energy for supporting its development.
We have reproduced below the legal disclaimer from the desktop application’s About window,
and the license from the open source repositories
( at the time of the writing of this
document for your reference. Please see the originals for the most up-to-date text.
11.1 Disclaimer for Desktop Application and Software Development Kit
The System Advisor Model ("Model") is provided by the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory ("NREL"), which is operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC
("Alliance") for the U.S. Department of Energy ("DOE") and may be used for any purpose
The names DOE/NREL/Alliance shall not be used in any representation, advertising, publicity or
other manner whatsoever to endorse or promote any entity that adopts or uses the Model.
DOE/NREL/Alliance shall not provide any support, consulting, training or assistance of any kind
with regard to the use of the Model or any updates, revisions or new versions of the Model.
You agree to indemnify DOE/NREL/Alliance, and its affiliates, officers, agents, and employees
against any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys' fees, related to your use, reliance,
or adoption of the Model for any purpose whatsoever. The Model is provided by
DOE/NREL/Alliance as is and any express or implied warranties, including but not limited to the
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are expressly
disclaimed. In no event shall DOE/NREL/Alliance be liable for any special, indirect or
consequential damages or any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to claims
associated with the loss of data or profits, which may result from any action in contract,
negligence or other tortious claim that arises out of or in connection with the use or performance
of the Model.
11.2 License for Open Source Code
Copyright 2017 Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC
NOTICE: This software was developed at least in part by Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC
(“Alliance”) under Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308 with the U.S. Department of Energy and
the U.S. The Government retains for itself and others acting on its behalf a nonexclusive, paid-
up, irrevocable worldwide license in the software to reproduce, prepare derivative works,
distribute copies to the public, perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
provided that the following conditions are met:
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, the above government
rights notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, the above government
rights notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
other materials provided with the distribution.
The entire corresponding source code of any redistribution, with or without modification, by a
research entity, including but not limited to any contracting manager/operator of a United States
National Laboratory, any institution of higher learning, and any non-profit organization, must be
made publicly available under this license for as long as the redistribution is made available by
the research entity.
Redistribution of this software, without modification, must refer to the software by the same
designation. Redistribution of a modified version of this software (i) may not refer to the
modified version by the same designation, or by any confusingly similar designation, and (ii)
must refer to the underlying software originally provided by Alliance as “System Advisor
Model” or “SAM”. Except to comply with the foregoing, the terms “System Advisor Model”,
“SAM”, or any confusingly similar designation may not be used to refer to any modified version
of this software or any modified version of the underlying software originally provided by
Alliance without the prior written consent of Alliance.
The name of the copyright holder, contributors, the United States Government, the United States
Department of Energy, or any of their employees may not be used to endorse or promote
products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and any express or
implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and
fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. in no event shall the copyright holder,
contributors, United States Government or United States Department of Energy, nor any of their
employees, be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential
damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use,
data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether
in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of
the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.